3- Three Against One

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{(Name)'s Point of View}

Individual training is something we don't do often, but we've been splitting our time between that and team training because, from what Mieko said, it sounds like we'll be fighting one-on-one with someone else.

"When are these 'battles', I wonder?" Narumi says as she mixes together a few herbs, then pours some of what she has made into a lethal poison. She smiles as the antidote starts to work on the poison, and watches it carefully. "Mieko Sensei didn't specify..."

"Soon, definitely." Kaito glances around, trying to locate both of us. Once he does, he takes out his katana, flips it around, and his fire-style chakra makes it glow as it heats up. He swings at one of the training dummies and splits it straight in half. "She didn't say exactly, but she did say 'in a few days', if I remember your story correctly."

"Her worry is extremely unsettling." I make one-handed signals to initiate my jutsu. I pause my sentence.

Ice Style : Crystal Ice Sword!

I clutch the sword I have created with both hands, aiming it at one of the dummies. "She knows all of our powers and abilities, yet she's still worried. I'm not sure what exactly that means–but the probability of it being bad is pretty high just because of that."

Both of them voice their agreement. I raise my sword and lunge at the dummy with great speed and feign a hit by its shoulder. I then swing the sword horizontally and cut halfway through its torso before the ice starts to spread and freezes the area around the cut.

I take the sword out and let it dissolve back to nothing, then start using taijutsu against the same dummy. Kicking and punching, faking hits as if I would with a real person.

After a few more minutes, all three of us withdraw from individual training and get ready to train together. We take a small break, sitting together.

"Even if Mieko Sensei is worried, these battles seem fun!" Narumi gives a huge smile.

"Don't take them as a joke, now." I say, wiping a bead of sweat off of my forehead. "They're to prove our skills, not just for play."

"I know, I know. I was just trying to lighten the mood. You're no fun, (Name)." She sighs and sticks her tongue out.

Kaito chuckles softly.

He's not much of a talker, unless a question is asked or we're talking directly to him. He's a bit of an introvert, but he shows his emotions well.

Narumi, on the other hand, is always the one to start a conversation. She's always smiling, no matter what situation we're in. She's more of an extrovert.

I'm kind of in the middle of introverted and extroverted. I'll answer questions that people have and talk about subject that I know, but anything else I'm silent for. Showing my emotions is a fifty-fifty thing as well–sometimes I'm good at it, sometimes not.

Our team seems to be perfectly balanced–however that happened.

The doorknob turning brings my and Narumi's gaze to the entrance of the room. The loud creak of the door makes Kaito jump, being more sensitive to sound, and his eyes end up there as well.

Mieko walks in, looking tired. I look up at her with a concerned look, which she waves off. She takes a seat next on the floor with us, and Narumi starts to get excited. It might be time to start the battles.

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