Chapter Two

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Ymir Drawing Above, Credit to Me, I Created the Drawing. |Key: (N/n)= Nickname, (E/c)=Eye Color, (H/t)= Hometown,

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

My (E/c) eyes flutter open to the aggravating noise of my alarm, signaling me to wake up from my peaceful slumber. Sunlight enters my room through the blinds. Who's even up right now? It's tooo early, I'm going back to sleep. "(Y/n) get up!" Luca says, opening my door and sticking his head full of messy brown hair in.

"It's too early, go bother Luna or someone else. I'm not getting up." I tell him, snuggling up to my pillow.

"Come on, 10th grade won't be as bad as you think."

"Let me sleep, I'm tired," Luca doesn't budge and stares directly at me. "School isn't till Monday."

"(Y/n)... Today IS Monday." Luca says impatiently, exaggerating the 'is.'

"Really?" I grab my phone off my nightstand, checking the time. My eyes widen and I shoot out of bed. "Luca, could you please put my backpack in the car?" Luca nods, grabbing my (F/c) backpack. As he leaves, I put on a green shirt and slip on a pair of jean shorts. I fix my (H/l) (H/c) hair, and I grab my vibrating smart phone. I have two messages from Ymir. I press the power button on my phone, turning it on and swiping through the apps until I find messaging.

Ymir| [ Whatssup loser :P]

Ymir| [Oh, you must be sleep. Call me or text me back when you wake up.]

Me| [Whaa- I'm not a loser :P Lolol, I swear I won't even make it a day here if these kids are annoying brats. :/]

Ymir| [Haha, You sound exactly like your Dad saying that. If those kids mess with you, just text me and I'll drive to your town and handle the issue. Hey, where did you move anyway?]

Me| [Whatever. Heh, you won't do anything to anyone. You'd would just glare at them and leave. Anyways, We moved to this city called Shiganshina, And I don't have to share a room with Luna any longer.]

Ymir| [Wait.. If you live there, you might go to my school. Guess I won't have to drive far to rescue you.]


"Welcome to Maria High School (Y/n), here's your schedule." I grab the paper from Mr. Smith and run my finger along the paper as I look for first hour. Geometry- Mr. Ackerman- Room 105. Looks like I have class with Dad today. I stand up, making my way to the door. Mr. Smith calls for me and gestures for me to walk back to his desk. "Luca and Luna, class starts in a couple of minutes, you two are dismissed. Ms. Ral is waiting in the hallway, she'll show you to your classroom."

Mr. Smith directs his attention back to me. "As for you Y/n, your father is waiting in the hallway, he'll be happy to show you around. Also, we have a uniform here, it's in the school handbook. I expect that you'll show up in the correct attire tomorrow." I nod and leave the office. As Mr. Smith said, Dad is waiting in the hallway and he's impatiently tapping his foot.

"Come on brat, I don't have all day to wait for you." He leads me down a series of hallways, decorated with various colors, academic posters, pictures, and awards. We walk through the science hallway, walls decorated with Lab reports and doors wide open. As we pass through, I become very curious and look through the classroom doors. One classroom has a name tag with 'Hange Zoë,' I peek in and a teacher notices my stare, her eyes widening.

Dad notices her and grabs my hand, pulling me along with him. Ms. Zoë catches up to us and taps dad's shoulder. He stops walking, making me almost trip and glares at her. "Hey shorty, long time no see. Who's this little cutie?" She exclaims, snorting and giggling.

Unfamiliar Place: Eren x Reader- Modern AU- EditingWhere stories live. Discover now