The Second Hell

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When I awoke I screamed so loud I woke everybody up Seiko Chan (youngest in the family which is my sister also other than Neko Chan), Laurie Chan (my mom), Bultolan San (my brother), Jaciolo San (my dad), and Neko Chan. They all came to my room and I said "I'm sorry... The doll woman is a kierra... She's gonna kill us all she's gonna cut off Neko Chan's head and stab me in the chest... I don't know anything else... Yet at least.." They all said "its just a bad dream" then I screamed "NO ITS NOT I PROMISE JUST FOLLOW ME RIGHT NOW I PROMISE IT WILL HELP US!!!" Just then I felt myself disappearing from my room... Then I found myself where it was hard to breathe. Then I noticed red gates and a man standing there in front of me with black horns, no face, and a goatish body plus incredibly long nails or maybe claws. (Make sure to check out my story based on real life scary things that have happened when I was younger! Now moving on Lol) Then I noticed something very.. Or actually incredibly creepy... People with no face and then I was back on earth... Back in Japan... But not home... I was in a hospital bed with my family holding on to me they finally said "WE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" Then I was freaking out and asked "what happened?" Then they replied "you were out for 7 weeks! We thought you were in a Como but apparently its called sleep paralysis. Weird right?" Ugh why is my mom so weird shbe knows what sleep paralysis is!!! Ughhhhhhh. She gets annoying when she jokes like that tbh (to be honest) so then I say "mom so funny ha ha" then I roll my eyes bc  (because) what I said was sarcasm if you couldn't tell. Haha well this is awkward... "Mom can we go home? I'm fine!" I asked then she replied "yes we can" a few hours later after being home I smelled smoke and gasoline maybe? OMG I SEE FIRE! I alerted everybody while screaming and they called firefighters just then the fire got bad and I had to get the dog out of the house! I was in the house now and I saw my dog on the couch I grabbed him and jumped out the first floor window... TO BE CONTINUED.... also guys sorry for the short chapters I really am but I hope you like the story there's one more chapter but if you want more, vote on this book hope you liked it also if I can get 100 views that'd be great thx guys!!! Also there will be more RomanceAndScary books coming soon :) hope you like the next chapter coming in about a day or two maybe?...

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