The Boy Next Door- Chapter 2

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The Boy Next Door- Chapter 2

 Hailey’s P.O.V.

 I looked around my new room. All of my belongings remained in their boxes, lined up against one wall of my room. The furniture was finally set up, but I still needed to make my bed, and set up the essentials. I took my turquoise sheets and quilt from a box and fitted them around my bed. Then unrolled my fluffy white rug and set up a lamp on my nightstand. The bland tan color of the walls totally clashed with the rest of my decor. I would definitely be doing some paint shopping sometime soon. Until then, a few posters would have to do. I taped them to the walls and threw myself across my bed. I didn’t know decorating could be so exhausting! I closed my eyes and the next thing I knew, Tyler was shaking me awake, as it was dinner time. Joy.

 I took a seat next to Ty, and across from Brad. He smiled his cheesy smile and reached for the salad.

 "So, how do you two like the place?" He asked, looking from me to Ty and back to me. Excitement filled his eyes.

 "It's nice." Ty answered, looking bored.

 "Mhm." I agreed, stuffing a piece of bread in my mouth, making it impossible to talk.

 "Well, I know there are some other kids around here, most of 'em hang out at the country club. Maybe you'd want to meet some friends before school starts?"

 I nodded, swallowing the bread.

 Mom and Brad made small talk for the rest of dinner, while me and Ty sat and watched, exchanging doubtful looks every few minutes.

 "Can I be excused?" I asked, once I was too frustrated to sit there any longer.

 "Of course sweetheart, I'll get your plate, why don't you go get some rest?" My mom smiled sweetly.

 I nodded, and went upstairs. I moved all of the empty boxes to one side of my room, stacking them according to size. I then opened a new box. It was full of my books, and pictures of me and my friends. I arranged the books on the bookshelves in alphabetical order, and then put the pictures along the mantle above the fireplace. In the bottom of the box, there was a smaller box, filled with markers and pencils. I separated them into two different cups on my desk then moved on to the next box. I got my white curtains out, and then went to the window to hang them. As I reached for the top of the window, I discovered I had a perfect view into one of the windows in the house next door. The room had to belong to a boy, as the walls were painted cadet blue. There was a pinball machine in one corner of the room and a navy bean bag chair. Next, I noticed a figure enter the bedroom. It was a boy who looked about my age. He had tan skin, and shaggy brown hair. He wore no shirt, only grey sweatpants that read, "Grover Baseball". I had to admit, he was very good looking. He slammed the door, and picked up a cell phone from his bed. He began yelling into the phone. He looked frustrated. Next, he threw the phone on his bed and sat down. He rested his head in his hands, then got up, and left the room, slamming the door once more. I sighed, looking up at the curtains. One side was hanging, but I couldn't reach the other. I was too short. I'd always been small, and I was okay with it, but sometimes, it was extremely frustrating.

 "Ty!" I called, walking to his door. I knocked, but walked in before he could answer.

 "Yeah?" He asked, putting a picture of him and his girlfriend, Becky, on his nightstand.

 "I need help." I turned on my heel and went back to my room, where I pointed to the curtains. Tyler easily hung them, and then sat on my bed.

 "I'm going to see Dad this weekend." He said, smoothing the sheets on my bed.

 "And?" I asked, unpacking my clothes and putting them in my drawers.

 "I want you to come."

 "No." I said, stopping what I was doing.

 "Why not? At least think about it."

 "No, and you know why." I felt a lump forming in my throat.

 "Come on Hails, you know you want to."

 "I know, but I'm scared." I let the tears flow down my cheeks.

 "Of what?" He asked, hugging me tight against his warm body.

 "I feel like I don't even know him. I feel like it's my fault he never saw me."

 "But it's not, it's their fault. Mom and Dad's fault."

 "Then why do I feel so guilty?"

 "Maybe because you haven't come with me to visit him before." Ty suggested gently.

 "I'll think about going."

 He smiled, then squeezed me one more time and left the room, closing the door behind him. I wiped my eyes and went to my bathroom to change into my pajamas. I put my long blonde hair into a ponytail, and brushed my teeth. I put on a tank top and a pair of red boxers, and then went out to sit on my balcony. I looked into the window next door, as I had earlier. The light was off but I could still make out the outline of the furniture as the streetlight lit up the sky. I looked down at the pool, then to the guesthouse at the back of my new house. When I looked back up, the boy was back. This time, he was holding a small girl against his hip. She looked like she was about three years old, and had the same tan skin and brown hair as the boy. Probably his sister. They sat on his bed, in front of a laptop, and began using the webcam to take pictures. The boy tickled the little girl, making her squirm and laugh uncontrollably. He laughed, picking her up and carrying her out of the room. I could see all of the windows on that side of their house, and soon enough, the window next to his filled with light, revealing a pink room. The boy appeared again, tucking the little girl into a small bed, and kissing her forehead. Then he left the room, dimming the light. Soon enough, he was back in his own room. He looked at his cell phone, rolled his eyes, and turned off the lights. Show’s over. I went to my bed and lay down, and soon, I was asleep.

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