Hiccup's P.O.V

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"Hiccup, we've been flying for HOURS without finding ANYTHING!"

"I know, Snotlout."

"So, we should probably go back for dinner. I'm STARVING!"

"I know, Snotlout."

"You know, Hiccup, I'm losing patience here! We're simply just WASTING OUR TIME!"

"I know, Snotlout."

"Hiccup, why is the only thing you say, 'I know, Snotlout' ?"

"I don't know, Snotlout."

It's been bad luck for us. We haven't found anything. All we did the for the whole day was flying on top of oceans and listening to Snotlout's complaints. I hope we discover something new and fast, or else Snotlout won't shut his mouth up.

"Guys, look at that!" Ruffnut said, pointing to the ocean below, "That part of the ocean is turning green! Cool right?"

"I saw that too, sis," Tuffnut said, staring at the ocean floor in amazement.

"Muttonheads, it's an island! What's wrong with your brains?" Snotlout said, annoyed.

"It looks like we've finally found an island!" I exclaimed.

"Great, let's check it out," Astrid replied.

We flew in closer. The island was big, but it seemed empty. Suddenly, for some reason, I felt a bit odd. I feel like something is wrong with this place.

"This might not be a safe island," I said to the gang. "It looks different than all the other islands we discovered."

"C'mon Hiccup, you're always so excited when we find new stuff," Fishlegs said. "And also," he lowered his voice, "this can keep Snotlout quiet for a while."

I looked at him, then at Toothless. He gave me his gummy, night fury smile. I couldn't help myself from smiling back. "Alright, fine..." I finally agreed.

The dragons landed and we started walking around. Nothing special. No dragons, no people, no anything but land. We kept wandering around for a while.

"Oh great," Snotlout finally said as he rolled his eyes. "We've been here for hours, and found nothing! Oh, thank you so much, Hiccup. As I said, total waste of our time."

"Actually, we've only been here for like 10 minutes," Ruffnut said.

"Yeah Snotlout," Tuffnut added. "Looks like someone's bad at calculations, eh?"

Snotlout made a weird, angry face. "Enough, you two."

"Um, Hiccup? You might wanna check this out," Astrid whispered from the distance. She pointed to a place near the beach. It looked like an arena.

"Now we can be sure that this is not just an empty piece of land," She said, looking back to me. "What do you think that's for?" She asked. 

I looked at the arena closely. "Wait. Hold on a second. I think we've been here before."

Beat. I suddenly realize something.

"Dragon fighting," I said to myself. Toothless growled when he heard what I said.


Quickly, I turned around. "Gang, we need to get out of - "

Suddenly, someone punched me hard in the chest. I can't breathe... He pressed a piece of cloth against my mouth very tightly. I tried to inhale air, but I couldn't. I struggled to loosen his grip, but still, my vision blurred and soon blacked out.

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