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-5 August 2017-


Waking up is the first process of every new day and has been the same for the long-lived forty-five years that I've been alive, but waking up beside my loved one made it feel as if I was opening my eyes for the first time. There is a fleeting moment where I feel lost, but when I turn to my best friend, my wife, my soulmate, it evaporates faster than summer rain. The amber sunrise kissed her bloom cheekbones and I had the sudden urge to kiss her. She was the type of art that wouldn't only look good in your bedroom, but she was the type of art that made you feel a thousand feelings and that was something to hold onto. 


As I wake to the breeze of Justin's breath, I rolled over very balletic to keep an intimate vibe to this blissful morning. As Justin is hovering over me, I feel an uncontrollable rush to kiss him, and so I do. Kissing him makes me feel seventeen and discovering love for the very first time. His eyes are locked with mine and suddenly time freezes. His eyes were a rich soil colour which imprisoned a thousand untold stories. I focus on his pupils which told me his deepest secrets. His eyes defined his passion and when captured in them, I saw fireworks and dancing: Justin's eyes made me feel as though he had picked me up and span me around a ballroom, wearing the most elegant gown, he made me feel beautiful. The rest of my surroundings were a blur, and locked in each other's gaze, I inhale a breath and let out "Happy anniversary".



As I wake from my deep slumber, a rush of excitement floods my head. Today is the day that our future begins. I turn to my loved one who is fast asleep and I wonder how I ever got so lucky to be marrying my best friend. Staring at her brought me back to the moment I first captured her elegance on the set of Wanderlust. She was my crush, and although the day that we promise a forever is upon us, I can't help but still feel as though she is my crush. Being so deeply in love was always portrayed as something that you shouldn't rely on, but with Jennifer, I'd risk a thousand heartbreaks just to be in her presence. She gave me confidence and we bounced off each other. As I dispatched to these thoughts, I realised that it was probably best to get busy on the last minute wedding arrangements. I lean in and brush her cheek with a gentle kiss and gingerly leave the bedroom trying not to disturb her.


Although I've been awake for twenty minutes, I lay peacefully enjoying my last thoughts as an unmarried woman, but as strange as it was, I had never been more excited for this next chapter. Marriage isn't a huge deal for Justin and I, but the reason we wanted to do it was because it was going to be Justin and I forever and forever is a long time. If you can make wedding vows then you shouldn't be afraid to make rules. Although I don't know what my future holds, one thing I do know is that Justin makes me extremely happy and that's more than most people ever get. Nothing was going to change with us; it was just a day of promises. I hear Justin wake and I automatically close my eyes and pretend I'm deep in a slumber. I don't know why I do this, but it just happened. Justin turns to face me as I try to remain serious. I feel his gaze which lasts a few minutes. All that went through my head was what he was thinking. That's what I loved most about Justin; just when you thought you knew everything about him, he surprises you, he was a mystery. He leans in to kiss me and all I want to do is kiss him back but that'll break the kinda super cool act I've got going on. Sometimes I just drift off and try and imagine what I'd be like in them commercials that almost every A-list celebrity started off doing. Right now, I was probably in one of them mattress kingdom adverts where the people would be lying on luxury king sized beds, wearing a full face of makeup whilst they "sleep" away with the biggest smile on their face. "I could pull that off" I thought to myself. Once Justin had left the room I opened my eyes. He'd left the curtains shut, just how I like to wake up.  I sit myself up from being buried upon my silk bedding, and I turn my phone on. As blinding as the light was, I knew I had to respond to emails before I got ready for my big day.



After talking to Jen for twenty minutes, I find myself cooking her favourite breakfast, scrambled eggs and avocado on rye bread. I made her this breakfast for our first anniversary and the morning after we got engaged so it's quite iconic in the Mr & Mrs Theroux household. I had planned out an intimate day for the both of us, and I couldn't wait to get started. As I approach our bedroom, I notice Jen gazing out of the window in a silk robe. I can't help but stare at her innocent beauty. She was a view that took my breath away. I place the tray on our bed and walk up behind her whilst I slowly wrap my arms around her waist and kiss her neck.


I feel like a teenager when he touches me. I tilt my head and smile at him. We stare out of the window upon the busy city that is Los Angeles. "So many stories" Justin whispers. I love how every word Justin speaks sounds like poetry; his words capture me. As we share this perfect moment, I feel Justin let go of my waist as he walks over to the record player that's sitting upon a modern black dresser. I was curious as of what he was doing but once again, I let Justin surprise me. All of a sudden, 'The way you look tonight' starts playing. I love the crackling sound that the record player made; it reminded me of '89. I let out a chuckle as Justin turns around. He begins to walk up to me and straightens his posture. "Will you dance with me?" he asks in an attempt of a British accent.


We were two idiots, mad in love, dancing to Tony Bennett in slim-to-no clothes in our bedroom at 8am. The music spun around us lifting away gravity. I began to count how many times the woman could stand on my feet, so I lifted her off her feet and we began to chuckle. She made life dramatic and funny at the same time.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2017 ⏰

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