Chapter 3-Back at the dorms

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"How about yours." I say
"OK." He gestured to his car.
"Bye. Nice to meet you." Caroline said walking away.
"Bye." Kaleb and I said in unison.
*Time skip*
They had Finished putting Kalebs stuff away and decorating it and were  starting to do the same on Elena's side of the dorm.
Kol's POV.
We started to put stuff in Elena's dorm. Elena was standing on her dresser hanging fairy lights,while I was setting her pictures on her night stand. I looked at her struggling to reach a spot to put some of the fairy lights. So I used my magic to make her fall.
She screamed when she fell,but I caught her.
"Its okay Elena,I got you." I say while her head reminded against my chest.
Elena POV
I fell and Kaleb caught me! Kaleb set on my bed.
"Well that was horrifying." I said
"It wasn't that bad." He said laughing.
I punched him in the arm. "Well you weren't the one who fell."
"Your right. But I caught you before you even hit the ground." He said with a cute evil yet sweet smirk.
"Which I'm greatful for." I say blushing.
Kol POV.
'Oh my God I made Elena blush. Does that mean she over me. Like me not this body...but my body?' I think
"Well I think think we should finish unpacking later." I say.
"Yeah.I agree. Well I'm famished what about you?" She said.
"So,is that your way of asking me to dinner?" I asked
She laughed "Is that your way of saying yes?"
"Yes,Elena I would love to go to dinner with you."
Elena POV.
'I can't believe it he said yes' I thought
"first I have to tell you some thing...."
"Yea,Kaleb what is it?" I ask.
"What would you say if I told you I was a witch?"
"I would say prove it."
"OK." He looked at one of my candles and said "incedia" and a candle lit on fire.
"OK. I believe you. But what if I told you I was a vampire?"
"I would believe you. But if you don't want to be a vampire there is a way to get rid of it"
"I know the cure. But since your a witch.... Do you know if there is a spell to bring some one back to life?"
"Actually yes. I do." He said and my face lit up.
"Well what we have to do?" I say excited.
"Well it depends. Who are you trying to bring back?"
"This might sound crazy....but an original."
"OK. That does sound a little bit crazy. The original must be important... If a doppelganger wants to bring them back." he said surprised yet not surprised. " okay but what you'll need for the spell is blood of two brothers and the ashes of the original"
"Well Kaleb if that is all we need this is gonna be easy."
"What do you mean,by easy? Wouldn't most people think that would be hard?"
" yeah most people would think I'd be hard. But easy I know how to get the stuff." I say and Kaleb looks shocked. " mean I already have the ashes, and I know how to negotiate with Klaus and Elijah."
"Wait Elena before you do that I will give you the spell,but you have to find a different witch. But I know one you can call."
"OK.... But why would I need a different witch?" I ask
"Because if you want the original you have to kill me."
"what are you crazy!?" I yell
"Elena... Its me kol and I'm possessing this body of Kaleb...."

I don't think this one is as good as the last one. I think it might be confusing.

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