chapter six: rosary

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The gang learns they must vote two people to perform an exorcism. Bryce Mini and Mike decide its karma's time to go and set him up

Appewrently it doesnt work because Bear and dumbfatbot are picked. Bear is exorcist two. If he lets go of the body, he dies. Dumbfatbot is exorcist one. If the exorcism fails, he dies. So they start the exorcism everythings going great. Then he read this note "if you put the rosary beads on exorcist two the will immediatly die the exorcism will suceed. If you put the beads of yourself, you will die immediatly, the exorcism will succeed.if you do nothing with the beads the exorcism will fail you will die" DumbFatBot decides "ive been through so much i deserve to survive" and puts the beads on Bear. He runs back upstairs to the rest of the group and says "Bear needed to go. After everything ive been through i deserved to survive"

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