Ocean Blue Eyes

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Warning: fluff and on curse word 

Dan's POV

I try to breath in and out as my breathing becomes more irregular with the passing seconds, people are standing really close to me and after such a long time on a train it can be overwhelming, it's all going to be worth though, when I finally see Phil.

I hear the train come to a stop with a loud screeching sound, and my heart beats fast as I stand up and get ready to exit the tube. I can feel my face already getting red I was blushing just thinking about the fact that I'm only minutes away from finally meeting Amazingphil in person.

I really didn't know that after watching his videos for so long, he would notice me and become my friend, my best friend, I was basically stalking him at that point to be honest.

After we started talking the all-night skype calls where one of the only things that motivated me to get out of bed, I couldn't wait to see him and hear his voice every day.

I was extremely nervous, to the point where I couldn't even think straight anymore, I was going to fuck this up bad, I just knew it. Mostly because I really wanted to hide my feelings towards him, the fact that I had a crush on him was surprising enough for me since I've always liked girls. I tried to deny it many times, but every time we started talking my heart would start pounding so loud I was afraid he might have heard it through the webcam. And every time we had to say goodnight my stomach dropped, and when we hanged up I already wanted to talk to him again.

There was no denying it, I was in love with Amazingphil, hiding my emotions was going to be hard but I was going to make sure he would never know how I feel about him, it could ruin everything.

Besides who could like me anyways, I'm no one special (you are special Dan). I would just have to be okay with just being friends, it's not like I would have to courage to tell him anything anyways.

I'm outside and I quickly start looking for the familiar black fringe and I see him. Tall, taller in person, he is the most attractive, cutest guy, I had ever seen, his eyes were even bluer in person, you could swim, no, you could drown, in those eyes. I looked at them for a split second but I could feel myself already getting lost in them.

We stood face to face for a second, and I didn't know what to do, I was extremely excited and I wanted to jump up and hug him as tight as I could. To my surprise before I could think anymore, he quickly leaned in and hugged me tightly. I happily hugged back, my face pressed on his chest, and I could tell I was blushing, Thank God he couldn't see me.

The hug ended too soon for my liking,and I I just said the first thing that came to mind "Phil! I can't believe you're actually real, it's weird not seeing you through my crappy screen" I. Wanted. Death, that sounded so stupid, why was I the most awkward person ever?! Literally.

Phil just laughed his tongue sticking out a bit from his mouth, I found it extremely adorable and cute. I really wanted to keep that smile on his beautiful face.

We started walking out the station, I look up at him, his smile still plastered on his face "I can't believe it either" he said, I didn't know if it was more to himself than to me, but I was happy to hear it.

We walked out of the station quietly, and didn't speak much, it was a nice comfortable silence. It was rare for me because normally I would always have to force a conversation and keep it going so that the situation didn't become awkward, but with Phil, just walking by his side made me happy.

I did want to hear his voice though, I could never get tired of it, it was just difference when you could hear it right next to you in real life. I decided to ask a simple question "so what is there to do here? We have to start" sounding way too excited, which I was, it was embarrassing.

He turned to me, looking straight into my soul with those ocean blue eyes of his. I was getting really distracted by his cheekbones, his eyes and the way his lips moved when he spoke, so distracted that I didn't realize he was speaking to me. I got out of the trance "... go to Starbucks or get something to eat, whatever you want" he looked at me and then down at the floor. He seemed embarrassed for some reason.

I looked back at him, my heart still pounding fast and butterflies feeling my stomach, I didn't know what I wanted to do, I just knew that I wanted to spend every waking minute of today with this guy, and my then stomach dropped when I realized that he would never no how much he means to me, because we couldn't be anything more than friends. No more than just friends, there was no way, no way at all.

A/N: So this is a sequel for my other story called The First Time We  Met (please check it out, #spon), its also going to be three parts. I hope you like it and sorry if my writing is bad, also Im not british so some things might be wrong, sorryyyy. I'll try to update soon :)

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