Shy Hugs

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Warnings: One curse word lol

Dan's POV

It was cold outside but as we walked and our arms slightly brush as we were standing side to side. My face would always stay warm with a soft red tinted color, and the feeling of his hand almost touching mine and his presence only made it worse as it sent bolts of electricity through my arm, making me shiver.

I saw him turn to me and give a glance that just added to my already red color tinted cheeks, I felt him move closer and I didn't think anything of it since I could barely focus on anything else but his eyes. Suddenly I felt his arm on my shoulder and I almost stopped on my tracks from the surprise. I kept walking, almost tripping with a clumsiness I never like to admit, but it didn't matter, his hug made me so happy, I relaxed into him and leaned towards him, more than necessary, but not enough to make it obvious.

"Its really cold today, Im freezing" he said explaining himself. I was disappointed to say the least, a little part of me thought it was because he actually wanted to be close to me but he was just cold, still, it felt so nice an comfortable, leaning against him, fitting perfectly in his arms, arm in this case.

So I just accept it and enjoyed what I could get. I was in love with Phil Lester and hiding it was already hard enough, it was even harder when he gave me mixed signals, and got my hopes up. Friends don't hug each other like this. Another part of me wanted to pull away because this would only made me fall in love more but I couldn't, it just felt so right.

So I just said "yeah its fucking cold today" and laughed "I should have worn something warmer instead of this crappy shirt, its October anyways, it's supposed to be kind of cold" I hated how I always ramble when Im nervous.

We got to Starbucks in a few minutes, he was still holding onto me and I was trying my best to not reach around and wrap my arm around his waist, I just kept my arms stuck to my sides, my face blushed.

As soon as we walked in he let go of me, I felt cold without him by my side, I'm so clingy already and we just met but I couldn't help it, so once again tried to hide my disappointment.

Sitting next to each other in a booth, I decided at I was at least going to sit next to him even though the booth was big enough for us to sit at a reasonable distance, I still sat close to him and I hoped he wouldn't move away, he didn't.

I quickly looked up at him trying not to stare too much "so what are you going to get?" I already knew the answer, I always remembered everything he told me about himself, I just cared too much about him.

Before he could even answer I automatically said "caramel macchiato" as he was saying it too. I wanted to slap myself, that was so embarrassing, if he didn't think I was a stalker before now he totally did. My face burned with embarrassment.

To my relief he just smiled at me and asked me "how did you know?" I looked down at the table in front of us "I'm good at remembering things people I care about tell me" another lame excuse, what I wanted to say was "because I'm in love with you", but I just couldn't.

Then, he said he remembered that that was my favorite drink too and that made my heart skip a beat, I couldn't believe he remember things about me, I felt special.

When our drinks came I started talking about basically everything we talked about over skype "Okay so what's your favorite muse song, that's the one thing you haven't told me yet which is bloody weird because muse was one of the reasons we actually started talking..." I rambled on and on and he let me speak, and he answered my questions and Phil was patient, and understanding. No one had ever been that patient with me and that made me fall for him even more.

After hours and hours, we had taken the conversation to video games. He proposed going to his house now, I had to spent the night there anyways but my heart speeded up with just the thought of being at his house, in his room.

I hid my face and smiled and said yes telling him I was going to win every video game we played. We went out of Starbucks, it was even colder than before and I could tell that Phil was cold with the way he rubbed his arms up and down as we walked.

I felt really tempted this time to hug him just like had done before but I was shorter thn him so that wouldn't work, still, I took a deep breath and prepared myself for rejection as I reached around his waist and wrapped my arm around him and quickly said "you said yourself, its cold outside"

And we walked close together again my arm fitting perfectly around his waist just like when he wrapped his arm around me before.  I couldn't help but blush once again, my cheeks tinted with a comfortable shade of red that never seemed to go away. We kept walking slowly as I gave him a shy hug, hoping he would never pull away from my arms.

A/N sorry for not updating sooner and I know this chapter is trash but oh well, I still hope you like it :)

The First Time I Saw You //PhanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon