Seijuro Akashi x Seme male reader

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Seijuro P. O. V.

Today........ today is the day that the man of my dreams left without a word.
Today is the the day that I realized how much he really meant to me. The day I made the worst decision of my life.

Everyone knows me as a cold person but one person, just one was present enough to crack me. I still made it seem like I didn't care or worry about him, but he'd just smile and tell me he loved me anyway. "Akashi, I wanna ask you something " M/n said " What do you want to ask" " you... love me " that was the question. The question I should've said yes to over and over again with nothing but glee in voice. That's day I should've told him just how much I loved- no love him. We should've spent the whole day together instead of apart and I know it's my fault. I didn't answer and for the first time he looked...... empty while he looked at me. It was like I just took his joy. He adored me and I couldn't give him the love he needed. So I pushed him away. I regret that day with every fiber of my being. I don't know where he is now but, I hope he's happy and smiling that stupid cute smile of his.

Seme male reader x male charactersWhere stories live. Discover now