Johnny's POV

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          As the group of four walked away from the record store, Johnny thought about the boy with blue eyes behind the counter. He didn't get to think for long though, because his friend Mike was speaking.

"What a poof!" He said as he kicked a rock across the pavement. "I should've put his lights out then and there!"
Johnny stopped walking. "Mike, what the fuck's your problem?"

"My problem?" Mike scoffed. "Maybe you've got a problem. Are you a faggot too? Are you standing up for your boyfriend?"

"Mike!" Angie screeched. "I'm right here!"

        Andy remained silent.

"C'mon Johnny boy." Mike said, taking a step closer. "Lemme see what record you've got."

Johnny pulled away from Angie, and backed up. "No! My music is none of your business!"
Mike grabbed the bag from Johnny, and took his record out.

"The New York Dolls?"

Johnny stared at his feet. "I just like them, is all."

        Angie cringed upon seeing the makeup and stiletto clad men upon the sleeve.
        Mike took one disgusted look at Johnny, and threw the record on the ground. He crushed it under his foot with one swift move.
       Andy jumped as Mike stomped his foot. He gave Johnny an apologetic look, without saying anything. It wasn't Andy's fault, but he still looked sorry.
"Fuckin' fag music." Mike growled.

"Bloody hell, Mike!" Johnny said as he turned around and walked away from the scene. Angie did not tag along.
         Part of him wanted to hide his tears from Mike, only knowing it would make things worse. The other part of him was going back to the record store to talk to the blue eyed boy.


          The bell above the door jingled as  Johnny walked in. As he walked in, he noticed that the boy with stunning blue eyes was not behind the counter. Instead, it was another, taller boy.

"Where is the other man who works here ?" Johnny asked.

The boy behind the counter laughed. "He's in the bathroom. His lip started bleeding all of a sudden."

"Is he alright?" Johnny pried.

        Just as he asked, the bathroom door opened up, and the blue eyed boy walked out. He noticed Johnny, and a look of fear and surprise ran plainly across his face.

"Er... what are you doing here?"

"I'm sorry to bother you." Johnny said as he took his sunglasses off and placed them in his pocket. "My friend... uh... broke my record."

"The one with the big ears?" Asked the boy.

"Well..." Johnny looked around, avoiding all eye contact. "Yes, I suppose that would be him."

The boy frowned, now. "The one who called me a faggot."

Johnny felt himself give a pained look to the boy. "Yes, that would be Mike. I'm sorry."

"It's fine." The boy came forward and shook Johnny's hand. "I'm Steven."

"Steven..." Johnny said. "D'ya have a nickname or something?"

The taller boy behind the counter looked up and smiled, playfully. "Moz!"

Steven rolled his eyes. "Don't call me-"

Johnny couldn't help but to interrupt. "Moz it is!"

Moz smiled painfully. "Let me get you a new copy of that record. I'll even give it to you for free!"

       Johnny nearly insisted upon payment, but decided against it. Mike couldn't stop him now. 
       Moz went through a cardboard box full of brand new vinyl, and picked out the New York Dolls' album Johnny had before.
"Are you sure I can have it for free?" He questioned.

"It only makes sense." Moz said with a smile that made Johnny's heart feels it was melting.
      Moz handed Johnny the brand new record. That was when Johnny noticed his hands. They were pretty big, with long bony fingers. Somewhere inside, for reasons unknown, Johnny was screaming. The room felt hot, when he looked at Moz's face for longer than five seconds, despite the freezing cold temperature outside.
        What was this feeling? It was almost identical to the feeling Johnny got when he looked at Angie the first time he met her. But, compared to Moz, he didn't think Angie was as beautiful anymore.
'Do I actually like this guy?'  Johnny wondered.

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