Chapter 2

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Hi :). I'm sorry. Very sorry. But I'm here now. Enjoy :).

Mrs. Bennet didn't think twice the fact that she was purposefully bypassing tradition by marrying a younger daughter off first. Her only priority in life was to marry all of her daughters before Mr. Bennet passed.
Mr. Bennet was surprised, to say the least, but he did not object to the marriage of the two.
Mary liked the idea of liking of Mr. Collins, she nearly worshipped him. Mr. Collins was so humble as to only flatter himself on occasion and admire  Lady Catherine's many perfections. Mary considered him an ideal husband as he had never objected to her showing off what little talent she possessed. He even said that Lady Catherine would most certainly esteem her for her love of the piano forte careful never to use the word skill.

The marriage was arranged to be held in a month. Until then Mr. Collins was required to go and tend to Lady Catherine's Parish. He was bid adieu by only Mary and Mr. and Mrs. Bennet. Mr. Bennet, only because it would be considered rude not to. Mrs. Bennet, who was absolutely gushing over the prospect of her first son-in-law, and Mary to respectfully wish him farewell until the week of their wedding.

Kitty and Lydia watched from a window and continued to giggle, they hadn't ceased since the day of their engagement.

When news of the engagement reached Meryton it was not long before the entire town knew, for word traveled fast in such a small town. Mrs. Bennet relished in the attention, for she thrived among gossip, although when among gentlemen she called it 'the word of the day'. 
"I do hope you will be accompanied by Lady Catherine upon your return Mr. Collins", Mrs. Bennet trilled.
"I do believe she will come for the wedding but not with me, the carriage she provides for me is quite fine but she prefers to travel with her personal carriage and servants, for her esteemed daughter Anne, who is gravely ill and has been for quite some time." Mr Collins replied.
Mary had not heard of this Anne person before, only Lady Catherine, which raised a small sense of alarm but she swept it out of her mind knowing she had no reason to fear for she was engaged to Mr. Collins not this Anne. Whoever she may be.
"Well be sure to inform her that she is welcome here at Longbourn", Mrs. Bennet replied quickly.
"I shall, have no doubt in your mind." He replied, "But I must be going, she expects me to be precise in my timing, I always pride myself on timing"

With that adieu's were bid and Mr. Collins departed back to Rosings estate.

Everyone continued with their daily activities without so much as a second thought. Everyone that is except Lizzy.

Lizzy spent her days walking and her nights restless. When she'd first heard the news of Mary and Mr. Collins engagement she knew it would be a difficult relationship... for her. Lizzy couldn't bear the thought of Mr. Collins as her husband, but even as her brother she felt uncomfortable sitting down.

She had immediately fled to Charlotte seeking some kind of consolation, but Charlotte wasn't able to do her any real good. She could only offer her presence, and at first, it wasn't enough. nowhere near what she needed, but as she continued to walk each day she wind numbed her thoughts of him. A Her thoughts were instead turned to her time spent over the past few months and she found herself often lingering on Mr. Darcy, which surprised her for he had been so very rude upon their first meeting. Once she almost asked Charlotte for her opinion about it but thought better of it and knew that any reply she would receive from Charlotte wouldn't satisfy her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2019 ⏰

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