chapter 13

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    "I just think you  should stay with us for awhile." Serene said putting away groceries. we went shopping because the psychiatrist thinks I  need to cleanse my body and eat better.

  "I have my boutique to worry about." I picked up an apple and bit into it. serene frowned and mumbled something under her breath. "What was that ReRe?"

  "I saaaaid, Lux also agrees that you belong here. he thinks you should stay. " she stopped what she was doing and waited for my reaction.

   "Sorry to inform you but lux has no precedence in what I say or do with my life." I bit into my apple again.

   "That is terrible of you to say. That guy really cares about you paityn." Serene pinched my arm. "Stop denying yourself of things."

  "Just because he cares doesn't mean I stop makin my own decisions" I pinched her back. she was right, he did care. but so was I. and I felt like I needed to go.

   "If you want to go we won't stop you." Johannah walked into the kitchen and grabbed a beer from the fridge. serene scoffed and gave her a look.

   "So how is your girls face?" I asked grinning.

   "Fine. her mouth still works, if that was your plan to get her to not eat me out anymore.. fyi.. it failed." she grinned back and took a long swig from her beer. I wanted to knock it out of her hands

  "You two need to stop." Serene grabbed a water and sat on the counter. "I don't want to bring a baby into a sour environment. " she rubbed her belly and looked at us.

  "Well paityn is leaving soon so we can raise your baby just fine." Johannah shot me a look. and if looks could kill I'd be dead ten times over.

  "Are you mad I didn't have sex with you?" I yelled. "if so get over it. you habe your stupid girlfriend. you can't have your ice cream and then want sorbet on the side."

  "That's not even it. You were a bitch from day one of macayles arrival!" jo said.

  "Sex? why..why are you two talking about sex?" serenes eyes got wide. "I mean I know you kissed which I've been meaning to talk to you two slags about but my god sex?"

  "Serene shush." I pushed past jo and went outside. it was gloomy and the sky was getting darker.i started walking anyway.  I couldn't take it here. I ended up at Lux's farm. I knocked on the door to the house hopin I could just fly into his arms. the door swung open and a man was standing there. He looked like lux in about 20 years. "I'm sorry.. I uhm.. I.."

  "You must be Paityn, come inside out of the rain." he put his arm around my shoulder and led me inside. the house smelled of pumpkin spices and root beer. I kid you not. he pointed to a seat and left the room. I sat down and looked around. there were pictures everywhere.  lux when he was a kid and when he was a baby. When his mom was alive. His dad came back with a blanket and handed it to me. "here you go miss paityn. lux should be here soon. he wanted to go into town for something."

  "Thank you. I really don't mean to barge in like this. I can leave" I felt awkward.  I didn't want to meet him like this.

  "No darlin, it's fine. I really wanted to meet you" his smile was lux's smile with more creases. I wanted to hug him. I wanted to hug him and tell him and thank him for raising such an amazing piece of man.

  "Thank you" I hugged him and it surprised us both. he tensed up and then hugged me back. "Lux is amazing, I just thought you should know. "

  " Funny, he says the same about you." he chuckled. "want a slice of pumpkin pie and some coffee?" he smiled and headed for the kitchen.

   And to think I was nervous about meeting him. I should have know he was perfect just like lux. if I never was in love before I definitely think I was finding my place.

nothing was the sameOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora