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Everyone was asleep but you. You just couldn't. Why did everyone hate you? That thought just eats you up inside. Only one, no, TWO people liked you: Daivd, and your boyfriend. You decided to text your boyfriend.

You: hey babe <3

Boyfriend: Don't ever talk to me again, skank.

Great... Well, you wrote a song about how you felt. All the pain just flowed out. The song was done in 5 minutes. You grabbed your acustic guitar and ran to the doc. Everything was so peacful at night, not like in the day time when the kids are calling you names. You sat at the edge of the doc and put your feet in the water. You pulled out the lyrics to your song and strummed your guitar. As you started singing, you heard footsteps behind you. But you didn't care.

"Hey..." The person said. You stopped playing and turned around. It was David.

"Oh, hey..." You frowned as you looked into the water. David sat next to you with a conserened look on his face.

"Are you okay?" he asked. "You've been looking really unhappy..."

"Oh I'm fine..." You said with a forced smile. "I just couldn't sleep"

"Lies..." David sighed. "Y/n... I know that there's something bothering you... And you don't need to tell me whats bothering you... But, I'm always here for you... Okay?"

"Thanks, David... A lot has been bugging me actually. Like just now, my boyfriend "Dumped me" I guess..."

"What do you mean by "I guess"?"

"I mean, he called me a skank..."

"Oh dear!" David gasped. "Well, thats not very good at all!"

"You guessed it..." You chuckled.

"Is... Is there anything else bothering you that you would like to talk about, Y/n?" He asked as he patted your back. You hesitated.

"Yeah, actually... The campers have been really bugging me... Especially Max..."

"Y/n. I know Max is rude to you... But that's not all thats bothering you..." David sighed. "And like I said, you don't have to tell me... But, if you want my honest opinion, I think you should..." There was a second, no, a minute of silence. You didn't know how to tell him, but you really wanted to. And he wasn't leaving until you decided what you were going to do. Just thinking of everything that's happened to you in the past made you tear up.

"David, I..." Your voice because very shaky.

"Y/n? Are you alright?" David asked. You put your head on his shoulder and started to silently cry. "Oh, Y/n... It's okay... Everything'll be okay..." You kepted crying and it got louder and louder.

"Why does everyone hate me?!?! My parents! My "Friends"! My ex! the Campers! Gwen! Quartermaster! You!"

"Y/n... I don't hate you... You mean more to me than words can explain! I don't know what i would do if you weren't here... Heck, if you weren't here, Max and Neil would still be on the Flower Scout's island!"

"Actually... Max was on the Wood Scout's island... And Edward wanted me to do him a "Favour"...And that made me feel real embarrased..." You sighed. David raised an eyebrow.

""Favour"? What do you mean by that?"

"Think dirty..." David thought... His eyes then widened.

"Oh my godness!" He gasped. "...To be honest... I'm a bit upset that you didn't tell me sooner... Yes, I've known something was wrong... But i didn't know that you had all these tears bottled up within you... I wish you'd have told me sooner, Y/n. I care for you and seeing you like this makes me super upset..." You calmed down.

"You... Care for me?" You questioned as you pushed your hair back.

"Of course I do! Why wouldn't I??"

"Because no one else does.............. David... Do you know why I wear a long-sleeved shirt in the middle of summer?" You asked him. You're kinda regreting it now...

"I don't know the reason... But I've always wondered why..." David pondered. You sighed softly and looked him in the eye.

"Do you want to find out?"

"I do... But dear lord, I hope it's not what i think it is..."

"What do you think it is, David?"

"I think that you're secretly becoming a wolf and your arms are couvered with fur." He chuckled. You punched him playfully with a slight chuckle.

"All jokes aside... Are you ready?" You whispered as you prepaired to roll up your sleeve. He sighed

"As ready as I'll ever be, Y/n."

Sucidal!ReaderXDavidWhere stories live. Discover now