Chapter 10

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Fin's POV

As I passed Spots, he nuged me.
"Hey," he whispered. "I found a way to get out of here."
"Really?" I asked, surprised.
I had pondered on how to get out for days.
"Shh!" hissed Spots. "But only you, I and some snake can come, okay?"
"But-but we will come back for the others... Right?" I stammered.
"Once we find help, yes," said Spots. "Do you know how to move a boat?"
"Yes," I replied. "Pretty much. I've actually just found a map lying on the ground. We're in North America."
"Same place we left," muttered Spots. "Be more specific."
"East of Canada. The mainland will take a few days to get to, but we can manage." I said.
"Good. Meet me at sunset. We're gonna escape."
Sunset came. I needed a story so the others wouldn't get suspicious.
"I'm gonna get a drink," I said.
"Not now,"'said Zip. "It's getting dark.
"You should stay here," said Patch.
"A creature of brains the size of a molecule can't boss me around-"
"Don't say that!" snapped Zip.
"I'm gonna get a drink," I repeated.
"No, you are not," said Zip through clenched teeth.
"Yes, I am," I said. "Watch me."
I started flying. I soared around in circles and-.
"ZIP, NO!" screamed a voice.
I felt myself being dragged down to the ground. I tumbled down , every bit of dirt scratching my body. My wings ached. I got up and glared at the pudding brain cheetah. I was too mad to say anything.
"You're up to something," said Zip.
He turned away. WHACK! I flung myself at him and hit him hard in the back. Zip pounced on me.
"ZIP!" yelled Patch.
The cheetah let me go. I cleaned my wings.
"Zip," said Swift, who had just came back from guarding Spots. "Your turn."
"Alright," said Zip.
This was my chance. I flew off quickly passed Zip. Zip ran after me.
"SPOTS!" I screeched.
He looked up. I nipped the rope and Spots ran, I flying behind him. Zip, Patch and Swift chased us.
"STOP YOU TRAITOR!" screamed Swift.
Stupid fox! I thought. You're too small. Sure enough, the fox came to a stop, panting and gasping, out of breath.  I flew up above the treetops, just for some fun. None of the others could fly. Suddenly a paw tried to grab me. I remebered that Patch was leopard. And leopards could climb trees! I flew down to check on Spots. Zip was catching up, but slowly. Spots turned a corner. I flew to the same direction. The others chased. Patch climbed through the trees. She tackled me to the ground.
"Sorry about that," she apoligised as I thudded to the ground.
"SPOTS!" I screeched. "HELP ME!"
Spots looked back and shook his head in a sad matter that I could tell was not real. He ran away as Zip chased him. Swift held me down, looking furious.

Spots' POV

I ran away. Zip chased me. I quickly turned around for Finn. This was the only time I would save someone. If he got caught again, I was leaving without him. I saw Finn, Patch and Swift.
"There!" yelled Swift. I tackled Swift, leaving Finn free. Patch jumped on me. I threw her away.
"You idiots!" I growled.
Swift lept on me. She dug her claws into my shoulders. I threw her away and blood started showing. Patch tackled me. Finn helped and started striking Swift with his talens. Swift dropped to the ground. Patch came to her aid. I saw Zip.
"Run," I said.
Finn nodded, and flew up. We ran passed Zip, who was quite confused.
"Which way are you gonna run!?" He screamed as he chased us. "Make your mind up!"
We ran to the shore. The snake was there with a boat. Finn hopped on. I pushed the boat into the water. The snake punctured Zip. He yelled in pain. The snake hopped on. I followed. We drifted out to sea. Zip limped to the water.
I watched him as he limped hoplessly in the water. Patch and Swift came to help him. We drifted away, Finn moving one oar, I moving the other. We had done it! We could survive!

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