what i hate

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When people correct my grammar.

Usually, I'm fine with it. Because it's in books or in homework and it's an honest mistake.

But, if it's in a book like this, an art book, random book, update book or my message board and inbox; there's no need to correct fucking grammar.

I mean, it's just a book people read for fun? Who the hell cares about the fucking grammar?

If I make a 'mistake' it's me just doing it on purpose. Yes, I know it's wrong, but do I care? No! Because I know people don't give a fuck about grammar in books like these.

Yet apparently, people DO care.

I'm asking you, do you expect me to enter this in a contest?

No, right? So why do I need perfect grammar?

Do you expect me to listen to YOUR babbling about why YOU'RE not a 'grammar nazi' because you only correct one thing?

No, because a grammar nazi cares about grammar — sees a mistake, corrects it. Doesn't give a fuck.

Do you expect me to listen to you correcting my grammar?

No, because if you read my very serious announcements, rants or even take the time to even read my fucking stories, how many grammatical errors do you see? Very minimal, right?

If you know who you are, I'm not dissing you, I'm just getting my opinion across.

So please, resist YOUR temptations of correct my fucking grammar.

Let's see, for a week, I'm going to speak in the PERFECT GRAMMAR you want. Let's see how fun that is, huh?

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