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My name is Annabeth Chase. I'm 17 and I'm sharing a Wattpad account with my other half.
See, I'm not supposed to be doing this because I have a certain... condition...if that's what you want to call it.

Alright, I'll tell you,I'm a demigod,that is half mortal and half Greek god. My mother is the goddess of wisdom. Recently,a friend of mine,set up a laptop for me , completely monster proof. I am here to help any demigods who don't know what to do.

If you don't know if you're a demigod,you just might find yourself in these positions:

You are hyper-active,you can't focus properly or you have attention deficit disorder.

You have dsylexia and reading is hard for you.

You have one parent or one biological parents.

You constantly get into trouble at school and your grades aren't very good.

Strange things come after you, demanding something or they want to kill/eat you

You have strange abilities.

These are positions most demigods tend to find themselves in. Don't worry, it's normal for people like us.
But there is also a place you can fit in. If you know you're a demigod and you know your godly parent,just post you name,parentage and special ability in the comments. We will ensure you are safely brought to our camp. You will be safe there.

Being a demigod isn't easy. It can be a real pain in the posteium and most of us down get a happy ending. I should know. But being a demigod,teaches you things you will never want to forget.

Remember, being a demigod isn't always a bad thing.

                                                             Yours Truly,
                                                         Annabeth Chase

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