Give Me Liberty

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His vision swims.

His hands shake.

His head pounds and his ears ring.

A sharp pain shoots through the grotesque appendage that used to be a right arm. His right arm.

The concrete beneath his feet, why why why, pitches like the deck of a small boat tossed out to sea.

Light flares in his vision, bright blinding light. He hisses, staggers and the space opens up behind him. Plaster board slips beneath his fingers, wrong wrong, as he reaches for something still.

It sings to him.

He can feel it's call. It tangs a sweet note, an endless tone.

His ears do not ring.

He lurches along the wall, desperate for this small piece of himself. Nothing left, nothing. His body, gone! why! why! sings with the note, a pearl of ringing steel.

The katana finds its place easy in these new hands, horrible, he feels the strength and the purpose.

The walls shake as if struck by the gods and he recalls his haste. The pitching floor slows his progress, makes him slip, stumble. The sword is a comfort and he finds resolve in the soup of consciousness he staggers in.

The light!

He squints into the shining orb, struck as if by physical blow. The air around him screams, calls out. It fires bullets and toils in flame, so much shouting. I'm sorry Genji. He can't stand, not here, not like this. Fear grips him and he makes as if to run. For the good of the clan.


Reinhardt shelters Mercy behind his shield as she tends to Gabe. How did the Omnics find them out here? He holds steady before the Bastion units, calls behind him for Mercy-

"Ryujin no ken wo kurae!"

Screaming some foreign tongue, clears the air like a knife edge. He barely had time to process the words.

His heart seems to freeze and his muscles lock up. Mercy can be heard, screams, is she okay?

He cannot see. The huge green energy commands his attention. It's roar rips open the heavens themselves with a reeling certainty that no one can fight this creature.

The dragon ripples, raw energy and raw power. Into its maw go the Bastion units, destroyed beyond salvage. The dragon seems rabbid, feral and on a war path. It's fury echoes off the air itself, no one is safe.

And then it's gone.

Reinhard watches dumbly as Mercy rushes to the collapsed stranger they'd rescued, Gabe talking quick in astonishment.


He sees only red. It leaps along his nerves and saturates his soul. Why! Why! Brother, answer me!

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