Author Note (Sorry to those who thought this was an update)

458 5 9

Thank you guys so much for all the reviews. Negative or Positive, I appreciate y'all giving me your time to read my dumb writing. I know it takes a lot willpower to shift through all the spwelinh errors & things.

Good News: I'm off three days in a row next week. So you know that means? I'll actually have time to type on my phone.😃😄😃😄😃😄😃😄😃😄😃🎆🎇✨🎊🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊.
So, be on the look at next week.
Peace out.
Peace, Love, Anime

Purple Reigns (A Stevethyst [Steven X Amethyst] Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now