Chapter 1

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Heeeeeeeeeeey guys! I hope you like it!!!

Minerva held Lucy tightly, the blonde girl's body hung limply in the water. Bruises peppered over her skin. It felt like the two girls had been fighting for hours upon hours. 
"Lucy?" It was barely a whisper, so quiet that only the said girl heard Minerva's horrified whisper.
"You can't be she was strong! You're not her, she was strong!"
Lucy struggled to open her mouth, coughing slightly as blood spattered in the water surrounding the two. "Look, I don't know who you are, I've never met you before!"
Minerva blinked, her mask of disgust crumbling. "No. No. No."
She began to release Lucy, staring at her hands if they were the worst thing she'd ever laid her eyes upon. Minerva seemed to have completely forgotten the battle, the screams of everyone to finish the fight already, Lucy's friends terrified screams. All she could think of the girl in front of her, bruised and bloody by her hands. She had done this to her. She had done this to Lucy.
However, no matter how battered Lucy was, she was not ready to give in to Minerva. She'd come so far and had to prove she wasn't weak, to natsu, to everyone. "Im not weak."
She charged forwards, finally striking the black haired girl in the stomach. Her pride lasted all of two seconds before Minerva's body moved, as if on instinct, grabbing her blonde locks before Lucy could pull back. She yanked hard, earning another scream of agony.


Her scream tore through him. It struck through every chord in his tensed form. He felt her pain as if it was his own.
"Im not weak."
He wanted to scream at that for those three words. She wasn't weak. They all knew that! She was going go get herself killed at this rate, there was no need for who to prove anything!
"LUCY!" next to him, Gray leaned out, dangerously far over the balcony, his voice screeching the concern that natsu sensed in all the others around him.
Minerva grabbed Lucy, his Lucy, close to her, whispering something into her ear.
He couldn't even concentrate, his rage started to well up, burning so bright that Erza smacked him over the head, barely even glancing in his direction.


Minerva leaned close to Lucy, respiration widening her eyes. "Don't you remember? Don't you remember Me?"
Lucy gagged, "i have no clue who you are you sabertooth bitch."
A darkness began to spread over the girl's features, a smirk coating her grim expression. "You leave me no choice, you have to remember."
Lucy didn't see it coming, and when she did, it was far too late. The world seemed to move around her at an alarming rate whereas her limbs moved slowly like stuck in slow motion. It was like being drunk. Except the pain.
She supposed she should of realised there was no way she could have dodged, her body moving, arcing desperately away. It was too late.


A scream echoed through the arena, so loud that natsu didn't even realise it was his. In contrast, the only sound Lucy made was a small gasp of bubbles escaping her open mouth.
The arena went silent, shock filling the emptiness. Shock and horror.
But Lucy didn't notice. All she could see was the blade sticking into her stomach. And see the red, seeping out and staining the water.
The colours around her. Blue and red.
She couldn't hear anything.
But it didn't matter, as everything faded to black. 

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