Chapter 2

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Here ya go my lovelies!!!

It was dark, all so dark. Darker. Darker than it had ever been.

And then,
It wasn't.
All around her were colours, memories wipping around her, swirling like she was caught in some sort of memory whirlpool.
When the first memory arced into her wound, she screamed. Light filled her Vision, forcing her to cover her eyes. then, the light was gone and she was left, in a forest.
It was peaceful, like a picture postcard printed out and presented. She could see, hear, smell everything - all her senses maxed in a way she had never felt before, at least that she couldn't remember.
A lady walked past her, cradling a small baby in her arms, the lady's blonde hair dancing merrily in the baby's face. A roar of agony tore through Lucy, getting stronger and stronger and then the lady turned.

She looked straight through Lucy, addressing someone behind her.
But Lucy hardly heard it, she saw the lady standing in front of her, the mirror image of her. Mum?
"Anna, is that your baby?" The red haired man smiled and stepped up to coo at the grinning baby.
"Yep, this is my Lucy."
Lucy barely even felt her legs give as the memories began to change, showing her the childhood she'd never knew she had. Her simple life with her mother Anna heartfillia - not layla.
She saw the happiness of everyday. Felt it all. And suddenly, an unknown emptiness inside her began to fill up.
The scenes began to leave the forest, going to a village. She saw her younger self hiding behind her mother's legs. Heard the laughter. Saw the group of children that had come to meet her.
Another black.
"Im natsu!"
"Well l-lucy, do ya wanna play!" She saw the younger boy take the shy girl's hand and drag her away.
The memories carried on, an endless stream of pictures.
A taller girl - her sister.
All of the dragon slayers.
She was one of them.
Saw Celestia, her dragon - she was a dragon slayer too?
It was all happening too quickly.
Lucy couldn't help it, she slumped forwards her head in her arms and screamed. Screamed.
And then it changed.
Anna grabbing her, ripping her away from a pink haired boy's dead body - dead. Her child screams mingling with the ones tearing her throat apart. Being shoved to a glimmering pool and one final glance, tears pouring from her mother's eyes.
"Mummy loves you baby girl."
And then she was through.
The next part was blurred.
But Layla was there, with Jude. And the rest, she knew already.
Tears dripped down her face as the scene began to fade away.
Leaving her alone in the darkness.
"don't you remember?"
She did.

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