Chapter Nine- The Arrival of the Grim

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The next day at breakfast, the students were buzzing with excitement. The first Hogsmeade visit of the year had been scheduled for the 31st of October, Halloween. Harry, who didn't have adequate family, didn't have his permission form signed, and would have to stay at Hogwarts for the day. As his classmates droned on and on about Zonko's Joke Shop and the Three Broomsticks' butterbeer and even the Shrieking Shack, Harry miserably poked at his plate, unable to share the excitement.

    "C'mon Harry, I'm sure McGonagall will let you go," said Ron, trying to cheer Harry up. He shrugged his shoulders. Hermione turned towards them, her eyes wide.

    "Ron, Harry's supposed to stay at Hogwarts! He's not to leave the grounds, it's dangerous," she exclaimed. Ron rolled his eyes, and mimicked her after she turned away, making Harry grin slightly.

    "Just go ask McGonagall," whispered Ron. "It couldn't hurt."




    Later that day, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were on their way to Transfiguration, and Harry decided he would ask Professor McGonagall after class if she would allow him to go to Hogsmeade.

    After quite a long lesson, the rest of the class shuffled out the door, leaving Ron standing in the doorway and Harry walking up to Professor McGonagall's desk.

    "Yes, Potter?" said McGonagall.

    "Professor, er– my Aunt and uncle forgot to sign my Hogsmeade form, and I was wondering if you would let me go," he blurted out. McGonagall stopped shuffling her papers and gave him an odd look.

    "I'm sorry, Potter. The rules are you have to have a parent or guardian's permission,"

    "But– Professor, I was wondering if you could–"

    "I am not your parent or guardian, Potter," she said, with almost pity. She picked up her papers and walked around her desk to where Harry was standing. "I'm sorry, but that's my final word." She walked down the aisle. "Excuse me, Mr. Weasley," she said when she got to the door. Ron stepped into the room to let her by, shrugging apologetically at Harry.




    The days leading up to Halloween flew by in the blink of an eye, and a sense of excitement filled the castle. He went to the Great Hall with the rest of the school, and dismally ate breakfast.

    "We'll bring you back lots of sweets, yeah?" said Ron, just before they were getting ready to leave. Harry nodded and attempted a smile. He walked out the front doors with them, stopping just behind Filch, who was collecting the permission slips. Hermione gave him a look of pity before handing hers in.

    "Don't worry about me. Have fun," said Harry.

    Harry turned around, coming face to face with Malfoy.

    "The dementors too scary for you, Potter? I guess you wouldn't want to pass out in front of everyone in Hogsmeade, would you now," said Malfoy while Crabbe and Goyle sniggered behind him. Malfoy waved his signed piece of parchment in Harry's face, grinning evilly. Harry climbed the steps and went back inside the castle, circling the first floor of the school. To Harry's utter disappointment, he ran into Filch, who gave him the most unpleasant of looks.

    "What do you think you're doing, eh? You're not causing mayhem, so something must be up, huh?" said Filch disgustedly. Harry shrugged. "Get back to your common room, why don't ya!" Filch all but yelled. Harry turned around and walked in the direction of the common room until he was out of sight from Filch's nasty glare. He turned and went up a staircase, planning to go to the Owlery to see Hedwig. He got a couple floors up before someone called his name out of a classroom.

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