The Couple Turned Friends

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B: Kat sent me a screenshot of your guys' chat.

B: *image sent*

B: I'm not going to be mad at you just because you want to hold hands, or because you find it hard being just friends now.

B: I know it's hard being friends with me when I'm your ex. You don't have to be friends with me if you don't want to.

E: But I want to. I don't want to lose you from my life.

B: Okay, Emi.


Now, you're probably wondering "What the hell was that?" That's me, Emmarie, and Benen. We used to date. But summer decided that stress and chores would keep us from talking. And so the giddy cutesy feeling faded, along with our relationship. But we didn't want to be immature and end everything. We could still be friends, right?

Well, it's kinda hard for me because I really loved that guy. But I'll take what I can get and hope for the best. I don't mind if we only end up being friends for life. I'd be perfectly happy with that as long as I got to hang out with and talk to Ben.

My besties weren't to happy when they heard about the break up. Tina was upset because she didn't understand why I needed a guy to be happy. Kat on the other hand was livid when she heard Ben broke my heart. She nearly killed him when she came back from a summer boarding school. It was a good thing me and Tina had grown stronger from dealing with this kind of thing every week. Of course Erin just sat there scared and confused.

Now, Ben seemed to be perfectly fine. With everything. I told myself it was probably just a mask he put on. I know him. I know he could hide his emotions if he wanted to. But something in me knows it's just hopeless dreaming.

Maybe one day we can rekindle our relationship. But for now, being friends is enough.


E: Hey, you up?

K: Yeah

E: I can't stop thinking of cuddling with Ben.

E: We weren't really 'friends' before we started dating. We both knew we liked each other but didn't want to jump into a relationship, so we waited. But we acted a little couple-y. We cuddled at lunch.


K: Just talk about whatever you would with your other friends.

E: That's what he told me. But half the time I talk with you and T, it's about Ben.

E: WTF do I do?!

K: You shut up, go to sleep, then pretend he's Erin.

E: But Erin usually judges me or we get into a debate over something..

K: Y'know what? Just sleep. You'll burn that bridge when you come to it.

E: You mean cross it.

K: Potatoe, potawto.

E: Whatever. Night.

K: Night night. Don't let the kinks bite~



A/N: Well, that's the first chapter. Hope you liked it. Please leave comments. *nervous smile*


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