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The crazy woman sitting next to me on the cold pavement is shaking her meaty fist at a business man who just gave her ten pence.

Like what the fuck he's given her some freakin money to spend on half a sugar strap and she's getting pissy at the man.

Must be the hormones gettin through to her bony wrists and ass.

Finally she heaves her self next to me breathing heavily through her nose.

" It's okay" I soothe holding her hand and lightly kissing it.

We've been living on spencer street for as long as I can remember.

The woman raised me on the streets of Melbourne begging for as much money as she could to feed me .

I pretty much have killed her , she anorexic and weak. Where I'm strong and fit. I call her little mam and for some reason she calls me big mam. Little mam once bought a spool of wool to try and make something to sell. I tried to copy a young fashionistas hair from a photo shoot in a magazine floating around on the floor. Braiding isn't my cup of tea. Not like I would know anything about fancy tea. The farthest knowledge I have is how to write the words 'please, I am a child and I am living on the streets, help me' and how to recite a few good phrases. Such as "good morning sir" and "may you please take the time to donate a few spare coins". I positively dream of attending school. I would do anything to switch places with one of those sluts her spend their school years making out with boys and flirting with the teachers. I could be a straight A student and I would try harder than everybody else.

An immature is leaning against a wall chewing gum through black teeth and blasting music through ear buds. She looks at me and grins. "How's it going with little gramma" she snorts scrolling through her iPod. "THATS IT" I scream standing up and charging at her. On five seconds I have her pinned against a stone slab of wall. "Let meh go" the goth chokes gasping for air. " Big mam" little mam squeaks , tears are staining her wrinkled cheeks. Carefully I let the gothic immature go she backs up against the slab of,stone staring at me in horror. It's not just her either the whole street has stopped watching us. I back away from the girl kneading my hands together. "CALL THE POLICE SOMEONE" a person yells from the back of the park.

A minute later people are screaming and yelling about the violence laws and how us homeless shouldn't be living on the streets. Little mam is hugging me as I sob into her shoulder. "We'll just apologise to the officer and everything will be okay" she says rubbing my back. Suddenly the yelling stops, it's the first time spencer street has ever been silent. Boots weave through he crowd to stop in front of us. "Now what may the problem be here" the officer puts his hands on his hips. "SHE PINNED ME AGAINST A WALL AND TRIED TO CHOKE ME" the gothic shrieks sliding down the wall crying. What a fake, a liar , a Phonie. "Is this true" the police dude turns towards me, his ray bans catching a glint of sun.

" She was makin fun o me , sir" I stammer pulling away from little mam. " and that gives you rights to choke this innocent citizen" he asks gesturing to the girl. "I didn't choke her, sir" I say. He rolls up his sleeves and takes the Sunny's off. "I'll let his go as a warning but any more silly business from you young lady will not be tolerated" he finishes of polishing his glasses and replaces them on the bridge of his nose. "Good day to you" I reply saluting. I can see a little smile creep out of his mouth, he tips his cap in return before speeding out of the scene.

The citizen continue on their way looking down on little mam and I with disgusted looks. The gothic girl disappeared after the police man appeared wielding a large potatoe sack that didn't seem to be filled with potatoes. "Good save, big mam" little mam whispers in my ear stroking my matted brown hair. I beam at her and giver her a light hug. The sun has started to set and the ducks waddled past us long before to go to their pond. Little mam lays out the battered sleeping bag on the pavement and encourages me to lye down with her. Shoes shuffle past us on their way home or to the local bar for a drink or two.

My eyes shut

And I'm inside my dreams

- - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/- I hope you enjoyed the beginning on my story. Remember to vote, comment and like. Next cheer will be coming soon ✨

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⏰ Недавно обновлено: Apr 10, 2014 ⏰

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