Your Lips Against Mine

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There are some things in life that you promise yourself you'll never do.

You make decisions that will affect you in the long run, for better or for worse. You take risks for people purely to make them happy.

But then things change. All of these promises that you've made to yourself, about the things you will never do and the people you would never take a risk for, disappear.

Because someone comes into your life that changes you.

In which The Boy That Hates Books takes a risk for a girl,

who changed his life.

And just like that he was in front of me. Face to face. Eye to eye.

I stood like a puppet on string, staring into ocean blue eyes.

For some reason I couldn't quite work out, it didn't seem real that he was standing here in front of me like this. Maybe it was because I'd thought meeting him was all a dream. I thought that I'd made him up and that he didn't really exist.

Sometimes I found it difficult to separate the real world from the one I lived in. But the way he was staring at me in that moment, it was more real than anything I had ever felt before. It left me wondering if maybe he did want me here, and that leaving those four walls was worth it.

That was, until he opened his mouth.

"Oh," He lifted his eyes up to meet mine, "It's you."

I clamped my mouth shut suddenly.

I hadn't expected him to jump with joy, but I'd expected more than this.

He pulled a bored expression before drawing his attention away from me, and landing it on a book that was in front of him, pages flitting against each other.

'Your lips against mine' the title read. I scoffed, trying to hold back the sarcastic comments threatening to escape my lips. He was reading a romance book.

"What, have you suddenly gone mute?" He spoke without looking up from his book, "It's funny because you had so much to say yesterday..."

I shuffled awkwardly on the spot, shifting my eyes from everything they landed upon. I refused to answer him, despite the fact that it was just making the whole situation much more awkward than it needed to be.

Why should I answer him when he was being like this?

A sharp pain took a split second grasp on my body, and I began to feel deflated. Maybe the reason it hurt so much was because I was hoping I could maybe have a friend that wasn't Alice or Austin. And I thought that maybe he'd consider me.

I'd thought wrong.

"Did you expect a hug or something because you've fallen madly in love with me?" He raised an eyebrow, a small smirk forming at the corner of his mouth, "Yeah I get that a lot."

I rolled my eyes into the back of my head and let out a loud sigh.

"Douche." I muttered, before turning on my heel and walking back towards the doors of the library.

"Woah woah woah," He jumped up from where he was sitting and jogged over to me, leaving the romance book abandoned on the table. He placed a hand on my shoulder and I flinched from the contact. "Where are you going?"

"Home." I replied bluntly, hurt a vicious throb in my chest.

"Why?" He seemed confused, genuinely confused.

He was pissing me off on epic levels.

"What do you mean why?!" I strained to keep my voice even, "it's clear you aren't very happy to see me."

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