Chapter 11

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That following weekend I started my job at the fast food restaurant "Wauna-Eat". I knew Will liked eat there with his friends, but for the days I worked there he never showed up. Neither did his friends.

"Lizzie!" My boss, Larold said to me after working there for a month.

I walked into the back room where he was sitting.

"So I was thinking, after all your much harder work you've done, along with your good school grades, I've made a desicion."

Larold pulled a check out from this bag sitting behind him.

"I'm giving you a three Dolar raise, $10.25 an hour."

"Oh my god thank you so much Larold! Thank you-" I said giving him a hug.

"Calm down Liz it's just a 10 bucks!" Larold said as I left the room.

After work I drove home really fast, and sprinted into the house.

"Mom I got a raise I can help you pay part of the bills!!!" I busted through the front door.

My mom was sitting at our kitchen counter with Katy Maxwell. Will wasn't here.

"Oh, hello Katy, nice to see you." I said.

"Hi sweetie." She said.

"Where's Will?" I asked her.

"At home watching his younger brother and sister. You should go over and talk with him." Katy Said.

It took me no time to quickly change, put on a little makeup, and rush over to Will's house. I knocked on his front door rapidly. A little girl with dirty blonde hair opened the door.

"Hi," I said in a cheery voice. "Is your brother here?"

Will walked over to the door and picked up the little girl.

"Liz Tiz!" Will said when he saw me. "Sorry I was doing something, I had to make little Hannah open the door."

Hannah looked shy, opposite of Will.

"Come in." Will said while motioning with his head.

Will put Hannah down and grabbed my arm.

"Let's go upstairs, theese two little nuggets are watching little kid crap."

Hannah and Will's other brother, Henry, giggled as we went upstairs together.

"So I see you miss me again." Will said as we got to his room.

"Well I have been worried since, you know happened, twice." I said sitting on his bed.

Will went on his phone to look at something while charging it. For a minute there was silence in his room.

"Yeah that did suck ass." He said without looking at me. Finally he put his phone down and sat next to me. Really close.

"So you know how they had to post pone homecoming because of the two deaths right?" He said.

"Oh yeah! I heard they are planning it for this weekend, which I think is a little too close for comfort budget wise for the school." I said.

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