In Heat- Narry

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This is for Daddys_Diamond. I hope you guys like it!!! I may have to put this into a 2 parter!

Also I am extremely sorry this has taken so long to get posted. School is quite a distraction and I had some pretty hard stuff put on my shoulders this summer. I can honestly call it the worst summer...yeah, that bad. But I've been feeling a bit better so I thought I'd update for you guys! 

Again I am so so so so so so sorry!!!!



Niall's POV:

Is it hot in here or is it just me? Like, who the hell turned up the heat? I threw the covers off if me and sighed as the cooler air surrounded my body. Luckily for me I was only in a tank top and boxers.


I grabbed my phone off the night stand next to me and swiped my thumb across the screen to read my new text message. A smile spread across my face when I saw it was Harry who texted me.

"Hey, babe! Hope you slept well. I'm on my way over, I was thinking of having a day inside today. I've got movies ;) " I chuckle a bit at his cute way if asking me if he could come over.

I send him a quick text back saying, "Okay! See you in a few, Hazzy :) "

I threw my phone back on my bed and got out if bed, hearing my joints crack a bit at my movements. God, it's still so hot in here. I walk to my thermostat that's in my room that let's me control the temp just in my room.

60 degrees.

More like 100!

I'm sweating my butt off here. This thing must be broken, I'll have to call someone to fix this, I tell myself. I walk into my bathroom that is located right across from my bedroom. Looking into the mirror I notice that my cat ears are standing straight up and very alert. That's strange, they usually stay down in the mornings.


I shrug it off and take my tank and boxers off, stepping into the shower and turning the water on. I hiss at the coolness of the water as it begins to spray down my body, but I soon welcome and enjoy the cool water against my overly heated body. My long blond fluffy tail sways back and forth in pleasure as I relish under the water. I know that you think all cats hate water, but actually some do. I'm one of those many few who enjoy water.

After about 10 minutes of just standing in the shower doing nothing, I decide that I should start actually getting ready before Harry gets here. I start to wash my hair, being mindful of my sensitive ears, and my mind starts to drift to Harry. His luscious curls and how much he loves it when I pull on them as we make out. How perfect his pink soft lips feel against mine and how he has a habit of nipping my bottom lip when we kiss. His hands wondering my body as the kiss gets more heated. I moan and instantly cover my mouth with my hand as mini me starts to get a bit excited. What's wrong with me today? First how hot I am, then my ears, and now this! I'm never like this, there has to be a reason why I'm like this.

Wait....oh fuck me!!

I remember, I read in an article on a website about hybrids like me and they were explaining how hybrids can get into heat the same way cats do. What were the symptoms again?....

•extreme hotness

•wet dreams

•over sensitive hearing

•need for someone else's touch

•overly touchy with others

•Abnormal behavior

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