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we had just finished a tutoring session, when ethan swung their bedroom door open.

grayson and i shared a glance, before looking back at ethan. he was drenched in sweat, his hair was stringy and it clung to his head. you could see beads of sweat gathering on his forehead.

"where have you been?" grayson closed his book, and slid it back into his backpack.

ethan peeled off his shirt, and threw it on the floor. "i had to try out for the lacrosse team, AND the football team, back to back." he sat on the edge of his bed, and started untying his shoes. "my planning skills are awful."

i put my homework back in my binder, and closed it. "was your girlfriend waiting for you, afterwards?"

grayson laughed quietly, and covered his mouth with his sleeves. he had a habit of pulling the sleeves of his shirts over a majority of his hands. i wondered if he had ever worn a short sleeved shirt before.

"actually, yeah. she's not my girlfriend though, let's not get it twisted," he grumbled. ethan chucked his shoes onto the floor, but kept his socks on. i internally cringed.

grayson put on his glasses, and tossed a cookie at ethan. "you're super moody today, e. what's up with you?"

he sighed, and moved so he could rest his head on his pillow. "i just realized that i'm super fucking sweaty, great. whatever." he got back up, and took a deep breath. "arielle is driving me crazy."

i leaned on grayson, and smiled as i felt his heartbeat speed up.

ethan squinted, and pointed at the both of us. "what's this?"

grayson put his arm around me, and pulled me in a little bit. "i- i'm taking mimi on a date soon. anyways, what's arielle up to?"

i could see a wave of disappointment wash over ethan's face, but the moment was short lived. "i keep telling her that we need to talk, but she would rather pretend that we're a happy couple." he rubbed his nose, and got up. "uh, i'm gonna go take a shower. see you later, guys."

ethan left before we could say anything. we were forced to sit in awkward silence, for a few moments.

"is he.. is he alright?" i rested my head on gray's shoulder, and brought my knees to my chest.

grayson nodded slowly, and tapped his fingers on my arm. "yeah, he'll be fine. i think that e just had a rough day, i'll talk to him a little later."

when i didn't say anything, he pulled away. "hey, camila, there's something that i wanna show you."

i watched as grayson hopped off of his bed, and made his way over to the white bookcase that stood against the wall. in one of the corners, i saw a pale green camera.

he picked it up, and brought it back over to me.

"i didn't know that you liked taking pictures," i smiled. "this is a polaroid, right? i've never seen one in this color."

grayson gave me a proud smile, and a tiny laugh. "yeah, it was pretty hard to find, i really like the color green." he got back on the bed, and sat next to me. "i took a ton of pictures with this when i was in los angeles, all of my friends made me bring it wherever we went."

"do you have a scrapbook, or something?" i studied the camera, returned my attention to gray.

our thighs were touching, and he was slightly blushing. "no, but all of the pictures i took are on my desk."

when i handed the camera back to him, his eyes lit up.

"um, could i take a few pictures of you? not in a creepy way... i just took a lot of pictures of my friends back in–"

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