Soccer Sweetheart

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Breathing heavily, sweat dripping, the whistle blows, calling the game to an end. Cheers go up into the air from my sideline, and I run towards my team for a victory chant. Soccer, that's what I play, what I live for. And who am I, you might ask? Colyn. Flowing dirty blonde hair, electric green eyes, glowing tan, with a slamming bod? That's me. I've never had a thing for relationships always been too busy, but answering the first question to pop into your head, I have had my fair share of kisses, just none of them has satisfied that 'hunger' I have inside of me.

While coach is talking to us about how great we did, I skim the sidelines, I pass something or someone and take a double-take. Katie's brother, Cole. Cole, the only other boy, besides Trevor I've ever had any sort of feelings for. Cole, the soccer sweetheart, with short dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, long eyelashes, and oh yeah, a six- pack. I mean who could resist someone that sexy? All the girls trip and fall for him, but I stay aloof and on the outskirts afraid of getting hurt...again. How did I get hurt the first time? Well, I'll get to that.

Katie is my best friend, and has been since we were two. Cole and I talk from time to time, but I guess we consider each other off limits...sad, I know. Katie catches me staring relentlessly at Cole, smiles and says,

"Why don't you just talk to him? It's obvious your interested."

"I can't, I'm too busy for a boyfriend."

"It's okay to slow-down every once in a while, tiger," Katie says sincerely.

"I can't, not after Trevor's...accident," I gulp down the sob.

"Col, it's been two years, your 17, live a little!"

"Katie, I know, it's just...hard."

Our conversation is interrupted when Cole walks up to Katie and gives her a hug of congratulations. He then turns to me and says,

"Good game, Colyn, you were amazing!"

I smile, "Thanks, it was totally worth the effort."

"Well, you did good, see you around," Cole says with a wink.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2010 ⏰

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