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The silence that enveloped the room was so thick and uncomfortable, you could cut it with a knife.

I didn't really know what to say as Zacky and the guys faces turned to shock.

"Her b-boyfriend?" Brian asked.

Sphinx nodded and came over to me, wrapping his arm around my waist.

I couldn't help the feeling of calmness that flowed through my body.

I instantly relaxed and leaned into his side for support.

Everything that had happened in the last hour finally caught up to me.

"You okay, baby?" Sphinx asked in my ear.

I nodded with a tired look on my face.

I turned back to the guy and I saw the look of hurt on Zacky's face.

I tried to ignore it as I watched the guys playing with Zacky and peeking looks at us.

I snapped out of my daze and focused.

"Babe, I'm sorry. Guys this is my boyfriend, Sphinx. Sphinx, this is Matt, Brian, Jimmy, Johhny, and Zacky." I said, pointing them out as I called them.

They all greeted him with a hand shake or a nod.

"Why didn't you tell me, Aryn?" Zacky asked.

I looked up at him and I could tell he was angry.

He had every right and no matter how many times I had played this scenario out in my head, I still had no idea what I was going to say.

I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

"Hey bud. Why don't we all go take a walk so mommy and you daddy can talk." Sphinx spoke up, getting the attention off of me.

I looked at him in shock.

As much as I didn't want Zachary to be present during the conversation, I didn't want Sphinx to leave either.

"No. I don't want to leave daddy." Zachary said, panicking at the thought.

"It's okay, Jr. We're all going with you so we can play too." Brian said with a smile.

Zachary looked over at Zacky, not wanting to go.

He bent down and looked our son in the face.

"Mommy and daddy have to talk about big people stuff. I'm not going anywhere without you, bud." Zacky promised.

Zachary must have believed him because he smiled and jumped on Brian's back.

I smiled and then realized that Sphinx would be leaving too.

I looked at him with a pleading expression.

He saw my face and pulled me into his arms.

"I don't want you to go." I whispered.

"Aryn, this is a conversation you two need to have without an audience. You guys need to figure out what you're going to do now. Look at the kid, he's jumping from joy about having his dad and some uncles on top of that. You can't take that away from him." Sphinx murmured in my ear.

"I know. But why can't you stay? You keep me calm and level headed." I said, clutching him tighter.

"You're gonna be fine babe. I'm not going that far. Plus, the boyfriend really shouldn't be hanging around for this discussion. You guys are the parents. You two need to figure it out." He said softly.

I stood still a moment, then nodded.

He was right. He kissed my lips and pulled away.

"Alright, so who wants to go to the park?!" Sphinx said loudly, laughing at Brian and Jimmy who were pretending to be Zachary's horses.

"I do! I do!" They yelled. I laughed at them.

"Jimmy and Brain look more excited then the kid." Matt said with a laugh.

I giggled at the smile on my sons face.

"Mommy, I'm going to the park." He said happily. I smiled at him.

"I know. You remember to be a good boy and be careful. Make sure to listen to your uncles and Sphinx, okay?" I said softly, kneeling in front of him.

"Uh huh. Inxy can show my uncles how to push me on the swings." Zachary laughed.

I smiled at his nickname.

When Zachary was younger he couldn't say Sphinx and he just ended up calling him Inxy, which stuck.

Zachary started turning away and I pulled him back.

"Where do you think you're going mister? Did you forget something?" I asked.

Zachary giggled and wrapped his arms around my neck.

I squeezed him tightly and gave him a big kiss.

"Mooooommy." He complained.

I laughed and let him go.

Sphinx gave me a quick kiss and then picked up Zachary spinning him around like an airplane.

"Take care of him." I said softly.

"Always." Sphinx said with a smile.

I grinned and watched them walk out.

"Guys! Don't play too rough with him. You better take care of him." I yelled at the guys as they laughed and made their way out of the shop.

I turned back to Zacky to see that he was staring at me.

His gaze made me uncomfortable.

"Why don't we go to the back so we can sit down and talk." I said.

He nodded without a word and followed me.

"Hey Joel? Can you watch the shop for a while?" I asked, stopping at Joel's station.

"You got it, boss." He said.

He looked up and saw Zacky and his eyes widened.

"Whoa. Zacky Vengeance. Great to meet you man, I'm a huge fan." Joel said with a smile.

Zacky grinned and shook his hand.

"Thanks man." He said with a smile.

"Why didn't you tell me you knew Zacky Vengeance?" Joel asked accusingly.

"It's a long story." I said tiredly.

"Hmm. Long story. Wait a minute." He said, his eyes widening again.

He finally understood.

"He's Zack's dad." He concluded.

I nodded. "Holy shit." He breathed.

"My sentiments exactly." Zacky said.

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