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Dedication Page:

I wanted to write a story but I never knew how the ending should go, then I realize a good story doesn't have an ending just like us I said.

To the boy who gave me the courage to love again, to the guy who showed me to be brave, a guy who loved me despite of the incomplete spaces in my heart.

To the guy who knows how to make me happy, to the one who made me laugh, to the one who I call my hero, to the guy who owns my heart.

I love you.

~ ~

It was my birthday, when I met your eyes. Those eyes that only I could see through and knowing you were hurting deep inside.

I was the girl who see the good in people , even if i have to deceive myself to see it, but I always did. I saw that you needed love. You were craving for it, mentally and emotionally, you were always unloved when you were a child. Abandoned if you may.
You bought her flowers and cookies and everything in between you filled it up with love and you stayed.

But your eyes never met mine.
Instead I met his.



"Pst", I quietly spat out to my bestfriend who was sitting ten chairs away from me who I am apparently annoying because I have no one else to annoy at the moment. My seatmate has his nose dived in his math homework. Like literally , I think his dead , I swear if that I touched him he won't even move and I'd be a suspect of a crime of murder because I think I'm about to kill someone.
I don't like math. Let me repeat. I don't like Math. It means I don't hate it, but I don't love it either so that's that. To those math lovers out there if you're expecting an equation to pop up out of no where in this story, I'm sorry to disappoint you cause this story isn't about how I met the guy during math class nor how math brought us together. No, I'm drawing the line right there. In this part of the story I haven't met him yet and I don't plan to. I'm a plain high school girl who wants to survive till prom night. I have like 5 months to get a date and people are fuzzing about it , while I'm just here in class watching the dude in front of me open a can of soda and stare at it as it fizz up and spill over his brown overalls.


"How can you even survive listening to Mrs. Sanchez" I told Kim while we were walking the dreadful hallway of our said school.

"Well, cause I actually like Mathematics"

"Says the girl who gets a D- in class" I teased, then seeing her face lit up a shade of red then I laughed.

"Not cool dude, by the way you got the answers for our Science homework?" she asked me and then she took out the homework we had that I did a week in advance cause I actually like Science and I think sir Ralph is hot and I'm trying to make an impression.

Before I could actually get my homework out of my bag a my best friend startled me from her high pitched voice.


Man, I hated when she became the screechy girl. We were in front of the guidance office and she even had to be that noisy. I'd consider myself lucky if I could have one normal day in a week, but today was an exception.

The only good thing I could remember is meeting my best friend's new friend that day. The reason for her screechy voice was the Mr. New face here.

We were standing in front of the GUIDANCE OFFICE, okay I know it sounds bad but no. It just happens there was a lounge there where annoying kids like myself can hang and chill, and apparently copy homework like Kim was planning.

What can I say about the person who was in front of me who I didn't really know the name of? Well, his cute compare to most people in school and no , there was no love at first sight, that's just how I describe people. I did have a tingly feeling about him though, no it's not my stomach I'm quite full already thank you very much, it's actually my poor bladder, I need to pee.

I gave Kim a stare that could actually kill, today was not the day she should be flirting with some dude in school and besides I think she deserved that stare as well she has a boyfriend already she should really stop , if I only knew who her boyfriend was I would tell on her but my concern here was I had to pee. Peeing is more important than flirting.

I don't know, there was just something about this person. It might be I would hate this person or that we'll be walking the same path for a while I guess. I can't help but notice him looking at me, I looked back. Weird I ended up smiling. As I heard it
"This is Pio Miguel Cruz"

The day ended and I was already in my room reading a one of Rick Riordan's book, The Lightning Thief, I was already reading the part where Percy asked the Gods that they should claim their children when they reach a certain age and was listening to Taylor Swift , " I knew you were Trouble" then it hitted me.

Why did I have to live to be a short girl.

Ugh! That Pio Cruz, keeps on stealing my ID card what's up with that? Just because his tall , I have my ways of getting you back and stop making fun of my face in my ID photo, I regret even thinking that you kinda look decent.

Although I give you credits, for once you talked to me like a normal human being like the actual times I did kinda like you. I like the way he talks alright, I'm very fond of him alright. He makes this mediocre high school, well.. less mediocre. We clicked like that, who knew I'd meet someone as dedicated to Science as me. The anatomy of the heart, the right atrium and left, who would think that he likes Chemistry too, all I ever got to talk about with my best friend was her boyfriend who can;t get his things together, all she tells me is that he hasn't been treating her right lately and that she thinks that his cheating on her and is dating someone behind her back and the sad thing is she won't tell me who the bastard is so that I'll know. I don't get her.

I always do this, contemplate at the very end of the day. I wish I didn't have to, cause I'd just end up thinking about conversations I had that day , and think of an alternate universe where things turned out differently.

"I knew you were Trouble when you.." - The song stopped and the phone started ringing. It was an unknown number.

"Hey, it's me."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2017 ⏰

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