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I feel tricked.
I feel deceived.
I feel like I was lied to.

He was like a ray of sunshine, he was so funny and always managed to make me crack a smile. So playful, so silly, it was like he was in his own world but I felt like I was part of it too. I would joke around with him, he'd accept it and he'd go along with it, we totally understood each other's sense of humor when others didn't.

His name was Seven, well... more serious people in the RFA call him Luciel but that's just so boring! Apparently he has a real name nobody else knows about but I personally could care less. Seven is such a cute, seemingly mathematical name, I'll continue to call him that.

I didn't expect much when entering the RFA, I had no friends since middle school and overall a plain lifestyle, I never knew downloading a mysterious app could change it all, like magic. Truthfully, when downloading the app, I wanted to chat up with pretty boys and get a oh so romantic man! One that could turn my frown upside down and add some color into my life.

I suddenly gained the ability to text him... God 707 himself! He's a super genius hacker, works for some agency I guess and snacks on Honey Buddha Chips all day. He's so cool! I've already said it but, very funny and also cute! I was totally in love, this was my destined husband. I was looking forward to everytime he was logged into the messenger, he always had whacky and fun things to say, I loved it!

Although, that didn't last too long sadly... He's started to get all sentimental lately, something related to the hacker or his twin brother?
I have no clue, all I really care about is darling Seveny!
And he's crazy about protecting me, which is sweet of him. I'm pretty annoyed by his seriousness though, he rejects me and keeps repeating stuff like "I'm too dangerous, don't come close" which I thought was ridiculous.

I honestly wanted to believe he was joking at first, that he was playing a game and he'd go back to happy Seven, how could he suddenly act like this? He used to be so fun but he's always working and keeps being mean to me, especially when I did nothing wrong! I get curious about a floppy disk, he only takes it away from me and gets mad at me, what's up with that!? Is there something that important in there? Whatever.

I really didn't wanna believe it, I try to make him go back to normal by playing and joking, stuff that the typical Seven likes but he didn't even respond to that! And continued to push me away.
It's almost like, he didn't even care about my feelings. Hell! He even straight up said that to me which is what makes it worse! I felt hurt.
I still held onto hope, that the real Seven was still in there, but I was such a fool for doing so.

Later that night, Seven thought that I was asleep but I wasn't, my eyes were closed but my ears were still listening. Those words, it gave me the crushing realization of the "real" Seven. Seven was close by, probably right next to my bed, I was hoping he'd come to snuggle me as an apology but he did the opposite, and it rubbed salt in the wound.

I remember those words, they linger in my mind, he went on to speak about...

"You're really like 707, but I suppose you and Saeyoung are nothing alike."

"Saeyoung is so dark and pessimistic that he cannot be with you... I want you to know that."

"I can no longer wear the mask of the happy go lucky 707. This complicated and icy person is me."

(Actual quotes from the visual novel)

I gathered from that that 'Saeyoung' was his real name, yuck was my reaction, I definitely prefer Seven. It couldn't be seen on my 'sleeping' face but my heart shattered. He didn't meet my expectations. The truth, the reality, that 707 was a lie, a mask, and Saeyoung was the real person, or should I say villain. I was denying it earlier but now, I'm forced to accept it and I hate it with a passion. How dare him! He totally won me over with 707 and was actually this depressed dangerous complicated cold person in disguise! I didn't want anything to do with that kind of person, I was scammed if anything.

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