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Cold liquid, splashed over Tom's face. Tom shots up, hearing giggling. "Pfft, Stupid, Tom!" "...WHY?!" Tom shouted as he wiped some off his face as the tall male ran out.

Tom wiped his face, he hated it when he had this happen or those dreams. Ever since Matt hanged out with him during his depressing times he started having dreams about the male.

"Fucking ginger bastard....!" Tom mumbles as he got up and went to shut his door. He shut it, Annoyed and started to change into his "Smug head" shirt. He then got his hoodie, blue and ready to wear. Again.

He put it on and turned around, seeing the ginger. "Hey, Tom." "Oh...H-Hey..." Tom stutters.

"Pfft, Classic Sutter. Every morning you do this.." Matt flipped his arm, making it go I'm circles.


"Don't give me the silent treatment.. Tom." Matt says as he gave a mischief look with a smug smile, showing his teeth.

Tom went to walk out his room but Matt quickly stayed at the door, blocking him. "And where are you going?" "Out to get cola..." Tom says as he gave Matt a "move bitch" look.

"Pft.Fine, Just get past me..!" Matt says, sassy. Tom narrowed his 'eyes' away. "Can't do-"

"You know, Ginger means I want to fuck you hard tonight,right~?" Matt blushed madly and just went paralysed.

Tom pushed him out the way. "That's what you get, Matt." Tom says, flipping his hair slightly before completely going.

"...Oh, One day I will..Thomas~"

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