Chapter 3

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When we came into the house, Jake was still furrowing his brows together, obviously still thinking about something. He marched up to his room, saying something about Googleing.

I went to my room soon after, and started preparing for school tomorrow. When I couldn't find any more things to do, I eventually got bored. Jake won't be getting out of his room any time soon.

So I called my oldest friend, Anna. We knew each other since middle school, but she moved to California. I haven't seen her since then, although we kept hearing from each other. I dialed her number, and waited for her to pick up. The beeping sound of my phone line was soothing, lulling really. Finally, she picked up.

"Hello? Anna speaking." she answered.

"Hey, Ann, it's me, Ashley." I smiled into the speaker, although I knew that she couldn't see me.

"What? Really?" she immediately lit up and I could feel that she is happy to hear me.

"Ashley, what's up? I haven't heard from you in a while. How's life? Husband, kids, they all 'kay?"

"Ha-ha, very funny. How are you?"

"'M fine. Oh, I gotta tell you what happened last week, it was hilarious...!"

We talked on and on, and she shared some really interesting news with me that made me burst with glee. My favorite sentence was "Oh my, I forgot to tell you! I moved back to New York!"She squealed, and we laughed in sync.

We talked for half an hour more, until we both got exhausted. I could barely keep my eyes open. When I hung up, I walked to my calender, and wrote to my self that Anna and me are going out on Saturday for pizza. Pete's Pizza's are the best.

While I waited for my mom and dad to get home from their dinner-date, I pulled my hair up into a bun, and cleaned up my room a bit. All of a sudden, a door bell rang.

When I came downstairs, I opened the door. On my doorstep, there stood a beautiful boy, with sandy blonde hair and the most beautiful chocolate brown eyes. Wearing a gray hoodie and washed jeans, he towered over me for at least 10 inches.

I regained my composure, and asked the apparent supermodel:

"Hello, can I help you?"

"Uhm, yeah, you can actually. Is Charlie here?" He asked casually, like he was a long time friend.

"I think you swapped the houses." I chuckled "Charlie Hoult lives next door."

"Ohhh, right. Well, sorry to bother you." He eyed me from top to toe, and I didn't like that at all. Apparently he noticed and put on smug grin. I have always been an open book to everyone, but his reading of my reaction pissed me to no end. He can be the most beautiful person in the universe, but if he's a douche, he can be a douche far away from me.

"And by the way, I'm Nate. Are you going to Harred High School?" He asked out of nowhere.

"Yeah, I'm a senior. What's it to you?" I asked, a bit bratty, but I just couldn't help myself under his piercing gaze.

He somehow found my response amusing, but he still decided to answer.

"Well, I just moved three houses from you, across the road, and I transferred to Harred's. As you probably know, Charlie moved here a year ago but I knew him way before. Now, since I told you some basic info and background, it's your turn. What's your name?"

"Ashley. Ashley Minnet." I surprised myself by answering.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2015 ⏰

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