Scene 1

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James Moore sat. He was bored. He wanted to do nothing as much as there was nothing he wanted to do. He just sat on his bed and stared straight ahead of him, breathing rhythmically. His bedroom was average, nothing special that differentiated it from others. It was just a bedroom with a bored child in it. The walls were plastered with posters for bands and tv shows. James fell back into his bed as it tried to bounce him off again, but in vain. Now he was looking at the bald ceiling. He suddenly felt the urge to eat, and then he felt how hungry he was. However, when he willed his feet to move, they remained stationary. He hardly reacted. However, when the man crashed through the window and slumped against the wall, he sat up like lightning. The man wore a black cloak that covered his front and his back, which holes for the sleeves, like a graduation gown. Under it was a white, crisp shirt. Torn and stained with blood, but it still looked smart. He wore boots that went up to his mid-shins. Under them we're black trousers that looked like they belonged in a suit, but were the exact same shade as his gown. His skin was pale and ,also, torn and bleeding. His hair was silver, as was his stubble. His eyes were shut, but his eyes where visible because of cuts through his eyelids. James felt sick when he noticed that. He still remained in the corner of the room, with his hands pressed against the wall and his feet ready to run like mad. Suddenly, the man stirred, and to James amazement, all his cuts went away and the pale skin sewed itself together and looked good as new. Then he blinked and his arms clicked into their positions as he sat up. He looked around the room and when his gaze settled on James, who now just stared, speechless. The man's shirt was still splattered red. He opened his mouth to speak, and spat blood instead. James shrieked. The newcomer looked up again.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2017 ⏰

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