Chapter I

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??? POV:

Japan!Here i come!

Kamui's POV:

Oh man!Onee-Chan is finally returning!With a special guest as well?"Kamui!You look happy and excited,is there a special event?"Shion ask smiling at me,"yeah!My sister is finally returning!"-"You have a sister?!"They shouted union,i just nod.Suddenly,Nagisa walks in,i thought my soul just flew out of my body."Oh!Kamui's sister?I am very sure she will definitely approve me as her sister-in-law!"She said eyes beaming with excitement,"hello Kamui!"Aichi walks into Card Capital 2 door with Kai and Miwa,"oh?hello to all of you too!"He said smiling."Kamui's sister is coming!"Chrono said excitedly and Aichi tilted his head,"Kamui!You have a sister?"-"Yeah!She is 20 years old like you!"Suddenly the door open revealing...

Jaime's POV:

Wow!Being an idol is such hard work!No wonder Mikuna could not handle them!We open the Card Capital 2 door and soon Mikuna smiles.

Mikuna's POV:

"Hey Jaime!You sure we at the right place?"-"Of course!"Soon someone appear in front of me,"excuse me you are...?"I ask and that random guy just hug me,"Onee-Chan don't tell me you forgotten me already!"He said with a teasing tone,'wait a second!Onee-Chan?Don't tell me...!',"Kamui?!"I ask shockingly and he burst out of laughter,"sorry onee-Chan!It just too funny that you forgot me!"Then soon people gather behind him,"ah!These people are my friends!Say hi to them!"-"Are you...Mikuna-Chan from Lily water?"-"Yes..."the green hair girl ask and as soon as i answer she shakes my hand with joy and excitement,"wow!Never thought you are Kamui's sister!And plus your work are awesome!"She said and Kamui pull her back and said,"Tokoha!Don't do that to my sister!"Tokoha smiled and nodded.

Kai's POV:

That girl in front of me!Could it be?"Kai!Miwa!Long time no see!"She turn and face us,i smile gentle as Miwa gave her a bone-crushing hug!"Miwa...can't breathe..."she said as i panic a little and pull Miwa back."Sorry!Mikuna-Chan you have grown so much!"He stick out his tongue a little and smiled playfully."Mikuna-Chan!Is that really you?"Aichi ask and Mikuna looks at him confuse,"do i know you?"

Aichi's POV:

Her word strikes my heart and i felt heart-broken that she does not remember me,"i am Aichi Sendou!Your childhood friend!"I said nervously,hoping she would remember,"nope does not ring a bell!"I felt sad but confuse."Aichi!Do you know my sister?"-"yeah..."i replied with very little emotion,"Aichi Sendou huh?Sound so familiar too!"She said then my face lit up a bit,"sister!Maybe you are working too hard let's go home and let you rest!"Then i see them home,Kai stares st me for awhile before saying goodbye to her.Maybe there is a chance she remembers me!But how did she forgot,how did she know Kai and Miwa,plus is she working too hard?So many question running through my head.

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