Chapter 8

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"If you shut the hell up then I won't hurt your little toy, but if you do anything. Let's just say you'll be losing your little friend" he said

I shut my eyes praying that this will stop. That I'll be back home. That I'll be with Ivan, and my friends happily. Drama free. Nobody trying to hurt us. But when I opened my eyes it was still dark. The man talking to Ivan.

Someone save us. The door slammed once again.



"Oh my god. You're okay" I sighed in relief

"Are you okay?" Ivan asked

"Yeah.." I lied

"Stop lying please. I don't like hearing you like this" he sighed

"I'm sore it's just. Scary knowing I'm gonna die here in the cold" I said

I felt his cold hands on mine. They weren't warm anymore.

"Don't ever say that. We're not dying here or dying just yet, I promise I'll always be here for you, Maggie, someone or we'll escape okay?"

"Ok" I said
I woke up in pain. I heard Ivan groan too. Someone hit me with a rope. I'm guessing.

"Get you're asses up" he yelled causing Ivan and I sliding our hands up the pole standing up. Not like strippers. Suddenly I felt cold hair hit me. He's stripping my clothes off! What the fuck!?

"Mmm, you have a nice body" he said

"Don't touch her!" Ivan shouted

"Want me to cut her?" He asked threatening him

I felt the cold blade touch my stomach. I closed my eyes. Breathe in. Breathe out.

"That's enough Nicolas!" I hear a very powerful voice

"Shut the hell up Michelle"


"You better shut your ugly ass mouth up talking to her like that, you know for a damn fact that she can beat your ass anytime she wants to Nicolas"

"Whatever Damian" he said in a very annoyed voice "what do you two want?"

"Boss said he needed you" the girl said I'm guessing is Michelle

I heard the door close like always. Suddenly the blind fold was taken off.

"Here's some clothes"

Michelle had black short hair. The tips were dyed blue. She was Asian. Damian was a brunette. I took the clothes kinda scared.

"I won't hurt you Maggie.." she said

"How do you know my name..?" I asked

She sighed.

"You might want to sit down on this story" she said

Michelle was kinda softening. She wasn't scary. She was very scary to whatever that dudes name is. Damian was leaning against the wall with his left foot on the wall. He was very serious. Michelle sat down in front of me.

"Remember your sister Bridget?" She asked

Bridget. My sister. She died in a fire at her college. Someone set it on fire on purpose. Nobody knew how. She died when I was 14. It's been 4 years since her death.


"I was her best friend. After her death she had a wish. She had something, before she died she wanted me to be a sister to you, if anything ever happened to her she wanted me to be there for you, Bridget wanted me to be her replacement. I said I wouldn't be her replacement but I would be a sister figure for you, before I could speak to you you already left to Miami" she explained "when I got to Miami you left for L.A. I soon found out who set that fire, and joined this gang. I knew they'd help kill the person, only because they were after that specific person. We had groups, I was the leader of a group to find the killer. I eventually was known to hurt people which made the whole gang respect me and fear me. But when I heard that you were here and Damian abused you I soften up. I didn't want to scare you away, but Damian was on my death list knowing that you were my priority now"

That was a lot to take in. She's killed a lot of people. Didn't kill me because if Bridget.

"Who's Nicolas?" I asked

"He's related to the snobby rich boy that's suppose to marry your friend" she said untying the ropes of Ivan and I. I immediately hugged Ivan tightly.

"It's gonna be okay" he said rubbing my back

"Wait, won't the boss or leader or whatever be mad?" I asked

She shook her head. I sat back down.

"It's been 3 years since I've joined. Ever since I joined I was looking for you. I'm the second strongest out of the idiots here. They know for sure to not mess with me because they know what will happen. That's why Nicolas left" She said

dang. She much be scary then.

"But who's him?" I asked pointing at Damian who walked over to us when I said his name

"My boyfriend. I met him here. He's the top strongest here. He practically is know as the butcher for all the killing he's done. He does have a soft spot. But he doesn't show it, only to me and our close friends. Everybody fears him, they know for a fact that he can beat their asses in a second without hesitation" she said

"Oi! Michelle! Hurry it up! We gotta burn this shitty place" Another guy said

"Wait I thought you were working for the guy who's Becca's dad?" I asked

She laughed.

"Undercover. Nobody knew, they still think we're on their side. I've been here for a few months because our real gang wanted us to find you. You'll find out when we get there but we'll gotta burn this hell home" she said grabbing my hand
Wow I'm hyped😂 so I've been more interested writing this story. I'm sorry if you don't like this gang thing but Itll change soon I promise💗vote, share and comment x

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