You meet again

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Kuro- it had been a month since you and kuro met at the game store and you to were becoming good friends it was so enjoyable to have a friend ti game with and one day you and kuro were playing a game and mahiru was cleaning up after the two of us and then the game paused and kuro was asleep on the floor and you looked over at him you smiled and mahiru left to go clean another room you poked at his cat ear hood and he was asleep and you couldn't help but pet his eat you loved his hood and it was adorable like hi...wait what!? youhad got up and told mahiru to tell kuro that you left and you walked home you though about it and you might have feeling for the lazy boy

Licht- you had become a regular at lichts concerts you loved to watch them and you friends always thought it was a bad thing that you had a crush on a boy you could have no chance in being with but you didn't give up the fantasies in your head because to you he was an angel after the show people started dispersing and you saw a boy with blonde hair and brown tips walking up to licht on stage and he whispered something in his ear and licht looked up at the stands and since you were near the back of the theater you had to wait till everyone else left and you were silently waiting and then the crowd cleared out and you had wondered what that boy had whispered to licht till " hey! " you turned around and saw licht standing there you were speakless I mean why would he go up to you " I heard from that shit rat that you were a regular at my concerts but... I can understand why " you knew you had to speak " so licht why is that? " you waited for a reply and that when licht posed dramatically " because I'm an Angel " you couldnt help but giggle and licht looked at you confused until you picked up your bag and spoken " thats good cause I always thought you were from the moment you came on stage " you turned arpund and left a suprised and blushing licht

Mikuni- you had gathered up the courage to call this mikuni and he picked up and you knew it was the man from the register " hello " his voice was so cheerful "hello is this mikuni? " who ever this may be he laughed on the other side " of course what other name was on the receipt " why did you even give me your number? " you heard the sound of another man on the other end of the phone and mikuni yelling something like " jeje go away ?" Whoever that was then mikuni spoke " isn't it natural to wanna talk to a girl who looks mice and pretty" you couldn't help but blush at his comment then " hey I never got your name " (y/n)" he laughed " thats a nice name....sorry to cut this short but I have to go deal with something " you two exchanges your goodbyes and you couldn't help but blush he was so nice!

Jeje- mikuni had invited you over to hia house again and this time you decided to ask jeje about why he covered his face and then reached there house and knocked on the door the door opened and there was jeje " mikuni isn't here right now " he opened the door and you walked in and he returned to another ship in a bottle and you read another one of mikuni's book then he spoke up " have a nice day? " you smile and nod " yes I did..did you? " he nods and contiunes working you glances at him a few times before his gaze finds yours " something on your mind? " you walk over to him " why do you cover you face with those paper bags your face is very pretty..." you went over what you said again and jeje blushed a light pink under his paper bag " ya jeje were all dying to know " mikuni stood there chuckling and then jeje got up and started shooting at mikuni again and he somehow got away from them all and hide behind you " you wouldn't hurt (y/n)! " jeje signed and contiuned working and you read the book you were reading before and jeje still trying to keep himself from looking up at you and blushing a brighter pink

Hey guys I just wanted to say that if you don't see a character in here you like then I can add them later I will do a catch up chapter for them so im sorry if I forgot to add a character you like and I will poll for a charcter to add soon and sorry if anyone was OOC - Geek

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