Chapter 13

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Bendy's P.O.V:

I tear my eyes away from the sky as I hear Felix suddenly shaking me. My eyes go everywhere as I try not to get mentally motion sick from his shaking. I push him away and I look at him, his face a sudden shade of pale. My puzzling face sends him my facial message. 

"F-Felix? What's wrong?" I ask him, he looks at the ground sadly. I am so lost. 

"T-There's something I haven't told you about the after affects of the Amour pox.." 

"What is it?" 

(Y/n)'s P.O.V: 

I sigh sadly as I am sitting under the shade of a tree. Pretty far away from the village itself. I look at my side and I  lift my hand upwards. Sprouting out of the ground is two (F/c) vines that twist against each other and push themselves out of the ground. I now have in my hands a (F/c) vine rope, this seems sturdy. I tie the vines in a knot and I make a small hole at the end. I smile as I let out a relaxing sigh. I turn up to the skies and I see the sunset. 

"I'll be free from this guilt, and free to my friends and family... I'll finally see (F/n) again." 

Bendy's P.O.V: 

"YOU SAY WHAT!?" I scream in shock, Boris, Cuphead, and Mugs all look at Felix and I in confusion. Boris walks over to me calmly and puts a hand on my shoulder. I spin to face him and Boris looks at with with confusing eyes. 

"Bendy, what's wrong?" Boris questions me, I try to calm myself down as I respond to my brother. 

"Boris, (Y/n) might kill herself." 

"W-WHAT?! W-WHY HOW?!" Boris practically screams and shakes me in concern. I manage to see behind Boris Mugs and Cuphead hurrying up to me. With concern in there eyes too. Felix buts into the messy situation and starts to speak. 

"Now that (Y/n) is out of her illness. It leaves deep depression of guilt in the fairy. It makes them feel responsible for many things, it also can lead to there death if they have many sins they can recall. (Y/n) can commit suicide if she is left alone for too long, we need to find her." 

Silence rains as we all look at each other in shock. But we all nod to Felix and regain all ourselves. I begin to walk forward, then Boris, Cuphead, Mugs, and Felix are all walking in a line. I try to think of places that (Y/n) can be, there is so many places in this village. She can be anywhere! But, there's no time left we can spare to try and think this out. We just need to look at every corner of this place in hopes that (Y/n) isn't dead yet.... 

(Y/n)'s P.O.V: 

I wait until night is in place in the skies, cause if I'm going to die. I want the last thing I see is my favorite time of day. I look at a bunch of tree branches tied together with the (F/c) handmade rope I made. I grab the end and I tug it slightly to make it come down to my height. I already cover my (S/f/c) wings with sacks to prevent the glowing to give out any signals to the guys. I hurt them already and I can't bare to hurt them anymore.... I put the hoop down my head and I tighten it when it's at my neck. And-. 

"(Y/N)!! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?" I hear a voice shout to me in extreme distress. My eyes widen as I turn to see Bendy running up the hill to me. I flinch and I see behind Bendy, Boris, Cuphead, everyone chasing after Bendy. I look away in shame, I feel a pair of arms hug me as there face digs into my back. Wetness shortly follows. 

"(Y-Y/n)... why, why are you doing this to yourself?!" Bendy asks in worry, I can feel his tears damp the back of my (F/c) dress. I sigh as I see Boris and the others finally catch up, I look at Boris in the eyes and he has tears welling up in his eyes. Boris then dives into my and hugs me like there is no tomorrow. I gently and cautiously place a arm on Boris's back and I hug him back. 

"(Y/n), please don't do this." Boris begs me helplessly. He hugs me tighter. I simply can hug back, my voice is gone at this moment. 

Bendy's P.O.V: 

I hug (Y/n) tightly as she is trying to comfort a crying Boris. I sneakily take out the small blade in my pant pocket and I see the vine holding (Y/n)'s neck. I carefully pull the vine down and I place the blade on top as I put my thumb underneath. I slowly move the small knife in my hand and I swiftly am able to cut the vine. (Y/n) quickly realizes the vine being way too loose for comfort and sees the vine is cut. She gently pushes Boris away and turns to me with a sad yet pissed face. 

"B-Bendy!? Why didn't you just let me 'go'?!" she asks me angrily. Tears threaten to spill from her (E/c) eyes, "I could have been with my family again! Been with my friends and even (F/n) again! But oh! YOU had to ruin every piece of relief that I could have had!" 

"I can't let you die!" I yell at her, great, tears want to come out of my eyes too. She glares at me with some tears slipping here and there. 

"Why not? I'm not worth anything now! hurting so many people when I'm not even me. Me being stupid to lose all my family and friends to hunters! I just deserve to die don't you think so?!" 

"(Y/n) don't say that!!" I scream at her in pure frustration. My tears pour rapidly as I can feel my legs getting weaker. 

"What!? Saying I should die? Hell! I can die more than just hanging myself! Maybe I can try drinking bleach! How about jumping off a cliff after I slit my wings again!?" 

"LALALALALAAAA! I can't hear you!" I yell at (Y/n) again. I plug my ears with my pointer fingers and I turn away with so much of my tears coating my cheeks. I finally stop my childish chanting and I furiously wipe away my water. I turn back to (Y/n) who has tears streaming down her face and sprinkle the grass under her slightly. However she still has that face of anger on her. She huffs and speaks loudly. 

"Well?! What reason will you give me that could POSSIBLY convince me NOT to kill myself?! After all the regrets in my life I've made?!" She questions me with anger and sadness in her voice. I quickly hug her and I put my face into her shoulder. Crying uncontrollably. 


"I'm waiting...." 

"I LOVE YOU (Y/N)! I CAN'T BARE TO LOSE YOU! SO PLEASE DON'T DO IT!!" I yell at her, more tears pour out. I have no idea if (Y/n) can feel the same. With my own ears, I can hear (Y/n).... laughing? I stop hugging her and I back away to see (Y/n) covering her eyes that are still on the waterworks. She removes her hands away and I see in her eyes are puffiness and red. She giggles a little more as a few last tears go out. 

"Bendy.... T-That's all I needed to hear." (Y/n) says with her voice dry and crackly. I smile in relief and I hug her one more time. She hugs back and I hear her confessions. 

"I love you too... I always have." My eyes widen in her seven short and meaningful words. I chuckle as I pull her away from my embrace, she looks at me with her lovely (E/c) eyes. I want to make the move so bad. I lean closer to her face and I feel our lips connect. (Y/n) flinches a little, but then melts in and kisses me back. I cup her warm and red cheeks as (Y/n) hooks her arms around my neck. We pull away after a good four minutes for air. Smiling at each other. 


"Mugs stop! This is THERE moment!" 


"W-Where the hell did you get that freaking camera!?" 

I turn to see Cuphead having to hunt Mugs when he's holding a camera in his hands. Huh, reminds me of Boris and I when we are fighting over the last cookie. I turn back to (Y/n) giggling at Cups and Mugs. She eyes me again and I smile at her. 

"Is this official?" (Y/n) asks me curiously, I peck her forehead and I turn back to her. 

"Does that answer you're question?" I ask her, she closes her eyes again and smiles widely. 

"Yes, Yes it does Bendy." 

A/n: Nya! Janis_Neko here! I want to apologize for not updating in a little while. This month, (August) is my last month of summer. After that it's going to be back to school for me! Anyways, I've made this chapter thanks to the idea from my potato friend!! So I hope you enjoyed this and I can't wait to start again on updating on things! 

Until the next chapter...............BYE! :3


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