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Marley's POV:
We were practicing when I see Brittany do a really cool dance move. "Hey Brittany, can you teach me that move?" I ask as I began to back up to try the trick when I hear Brittany yell for me to watch out but it's too late.

I feel myself falling for what feels like a long time but it was only a minute before I felt my back hit the hard floor, making me cry out loudly in pain.

I felt sharp pain throughout my back and legs along with ringing in my ears but through my blurring vision I could see Mr. Shue along with all of the others.

Soon though I could no longer feel pain or anything at all in my legs which makes me more worried as tears began to gather in my eyes from the pain and worry.

"Someone call 911." She faintly hears Mr. Shue say then say something to her but she doesn't hear what it is as her vision begins to go black but soon envelopes her as she finally goes unconscious.

No One's POV:
At this point Ryder was panicking at the sight of Marley unconscious on the auditorium floor as everyone else stood around her as well some with more worry on their face than others.

It wasn't long before paramedics came, asking Mr. Shue what happened and once they find out they carefully put a neck brace on her before carefully putting her on the stretcher.

Once they got her on they hurry away so everyone made their way to their cars and quickly drove to the hospital to find out what's wrong with Marley.

Once they arrive though it was when Marley was being taken away so a nurse had them wait in the waiting room which took 2 hours before a doctor finally came out and called her name.

Once her name was called they quickly stood up and went to him but he was shocked at all of the kids. "Any family here?" The doctor asks, looking at them all.

"Her mom is out of town right now so she's been staying at Unique's house." Ryder says, the doctor nods "Any guardian or adult here?" The doctor asks.

"I am her teacher." Mr. Shue says, the doctor nods. "I'm afraid that the fall broke her spine, we did a surgery to try and fix it but it didn't work so i'm afraid she is paralyzed for good." The doctor says, shocking them.

"So she is going to be in a wheelchair for the rest of her life?" Mr. Shue asks, the doctor nods which shocks them more as Mr Shue nods in an understanding way.

After that they were able to visit her after school while she was in the hospital and luckily she was able to head home with her mom who got home early after finding out what happened.

Once she got home though she was more quiet and she mainly stayed in her room, not talking to her friends at all or anything, the others tried to come over and talk to her but no luck.

It took a week of persuading from Ryder and the others before she finally returned to school where Artie helped her out and showed her where are the ramps are.

It took a while but eventually she manages to get used to it and luckily she is still able to be a part of glee and Artie also helped her out with that as well.

End Of Oneshot

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2020 ⏰

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