•chapter 2•

22 2 1

••Martinus's prov••
When we finished recording, it was already late evening. Mac and I decided to go for a walk. We put some hoodies so people won't recognize us. Don't get us wrong! We love our fans, but after a loooong day, I just want to have fun with my twin tho. We went to some small café where there's not lot of people. We ordered some juices and just talked. I missed talks with my bro about some random things. "Bro?",Mac said. "Yea?" "Look behind you at the girl with a shorter brown hair",he said and I slowly turned around. She was sitting with some friends. Two boys and...omg! That's the girl from today! Sarah! She is so beautiful! I faced Marcus. I told him what happened today. "Let's go talk with them",Mac said. "No!",I said. "Why?" "Cuz they're with 2 boys...maybe they're theirs boyfriends",I said sadly. "You're right",he said and calmed down. Our juices came. I started talking about new song, but Marcus was just staring at that girl. "Marcus?",I said and waved in front of his face. "Marcus to Earth!",I said and he looked at me.  "Wha?",he said like he fell from Mars. "Stop staring at that girl!",I said and took a sip of my drink. "I can't! She's gorgeous",he said and looked back at her. "She'll notice you once",I said. "Too late",he said and went red. I laughed. "She whispered something to other girl",he said and I turned around. Sarah noticed me and she smiled. They said something to each other and they stood up. They came over to our table. "This place is taken?",Sarah asked and pointed at free 2 chairs. "Nope",I said and they sat down. "Hey Sarah",I said. "How do you know my name?",she asked. "Um...",I felt how my cheeks turned red,"your sister told me". She laughed. "Okay cool",she said,"hey Martinus". "How do you know MY name?",I asked. "Well I know you two are celebrities",she said and looked at Marcus. "Oh...this is Leah",she said. "Hello",she said. "I'm Marcus",he said and they shake hands. He took over her. I started to talk with Sarah about everything. She is so amazing. Would it be strange if  I ask for her number? No. I'm gonna do it. "Hey...um...can I ask you something?",I said. "Yea sure",she said with a smile on her face. "Can I have your number?",I finally said it. "Um..yea. Why not?",she said and gave it to me. Omg! I have her number! "I'm gonna text you",I said. She laughed a bit. "Okay",she said. Was that cringe? I'm so stupid. I always ruin everything. Omg!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2017 ⏰

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