Let me help you

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Indias pov

I woke up to my damm alarm when I saw my clothes I remembered that the meet and great is today I smiled I got up I saw my cut arms and legs "India don't think about it" I said I put on the t-shirt then the hoddy then the jeans my yezzys and last of all my morgz hat

I walk down stairs to see my breakfast and my phone with a morgz video I smiled but I didn't eat I only I watched the video I walked out side with my bag  I started walking to school while I was walking I got pushed over by Amy "ha you are so weak go die" Amy said I got up and ran I got to school and went to the girls bathroom I stayed thair until I herd the bell

I herd the bell and walked to class  I sat on my own like always I put my head in my arms but smiled because I meeting morgz

Time skip after school

I walked to game stop thair was loads of people and thair where all boys my eyes widen i go in line but all the boys started laughing at me I put my hod up and looked at my phone I had wifi at game stop so I watched morgz

Like one hour later I was behind this boy that was talking to morgz I was getting excited and nervous the boy finally left

"Hello what's your name yong man" he didn't relise I was a girl I put my hod down and morgz eyes widen "I mean yong lady what's your name" I smiled "India" morgz smiled "wold you like a picture"I nodded I got the picture "can you sine the clothes" I asked morgz nodded "so your the only girl that likes my Chanel" I nod he passes my hat I took my hoddy of and gave him the hoddy (I know he doesn't have long sleeve t-shirts but just say he dose) he gave me my hoddy I smiled weakly and he noticed "what's Wong India" my eyes widen "um...""talk to me after the meet and great ok" I nod I grab my hoddy and put it on "oh and morgen" I ask "yes" I grab the piece of paper of my phone number he smiled

And I walked into game stop

Time skip after meet and great

I got an tap on the solder I turnd around to see morgz "India what's Wong" I sighed I took off my hoddy and roled up my sleeve morgen eyes widen "why"

"I get bullied at school and online I don't have friends to protect me I only have someone that ceeps me happy and that is you" morgz hugged me smiled and hugged back I blushed

"How about you coming to my house" I blushed more "are you sure" morgz nodded he put his hand out I grabbed it

Morgz pov

She is so adorable but why dose she always have to get bullied she was holding my hand while blushing but at the meet and great I herd laughing "hay India" India looked up to me "yes" her voice is so smoothing "why was their laughing at the meet and great" her face fell "thay where laughing at me because I was the only girl that liked you"I bent down I lifed up her head

"India I don't matter what people think and I'm happy because theirs only one thing that make the YouTubers like""what" I smiled "the people that watch" India smiled and hugged me I hugged back "thank you morgz" I smiled "your welcome"

Indias pov

We got to morgz house It was wonderful  morgz opened the door "mom I'm home" I got exctremly shy I went behind morgz he just smiled "hello morgen wait who's this" I mouthed the words 'don't talk about my life please'  morgz nodded "she is a friend that I never told you about" she simply nodded and walked of morgz lead me to his room I smiled and I was blushing do I like morgz ugh I don't know enymore I eyes start to get heavy and I fall a sleep

Morgz pov

I was I the bathroom washing my hands I walk out the bathroom to my room I see India on my bed asleep I smiled "I better make a tweet that I'm not uploading today" I go to my computer and go onto twitter

Hay guys I'm not able to post today because I'm busy about stuff I promise I upload tomorrow

I post the tweet I sit on the bed with India I smile softly I bent down

Morgz what are you doing get your head together but I like her I kissed her softly on the lips "I love you India goodnight" I smiled

The next morning

Indias pov

I woke up in a room wait I remember yesterday I smile I get up I see morgz in his gaming chair a sleep I grab a piece over paper and wrote a note

I grab my bag and walked to school smiling

Morgz pov

I woke up with a bad head I see India is not here I see a note I unfolded the note

Dear morgz if you woke up good morning but if this his mom hello so I went to school and if you want hang out just text me but wish me luck bye morgz


Time skip

I done the video for today I was just sitting in my room doing nothing I get up and i decided to take a walk

Time skip

I was walking home and I started hearing crying I started following the crying I came up to this dark road I walked down it I started seeing blood on the floor and a razor "......h-hello" I recognized that voice I gabbed my phone and turned on flash light I see India crying looking up at me and her arms had more cuts on her "India" I say i run up to India and huged her but she didn't hug back "morgz don't" I was confused "what" she took a deap breath "morgz if I let you help me you will get hurt too and I don't want that to happen and this I goodbye and no I'm not killing myself but I'm just taking a break" I started crying silently "India let me help you" I say "I'm sorry morgz but you can't help me any longer" and she ran of with her razor I sat down quietly and put my head in my nees

Indias pov

I cept running until I found this tree house in the woods I climbed up and luckily thair was plasters I tie the plasters around my arm I layed down I just looked up a silent tear rolled down cheek I sighed "I'm sorry morgen" I grab my razor and rolled up my jean legs I cut my chin I cryed but smiled I needed this I started to see blackness am I finally going to die

Morgz pov

I got up and I decided to go to the tree house while I was walking I was thinking about India I really liked her

I got to the tree house and went but went I got up thair I saw India laying on the floor with her razor in her hand I ran to her she had blood on her legs because she cut thair I grabbed th plasters I looked at her arms thay were already patched up I started doing her legs I picked up India bridal style and ran to the hospital I got in side the hospital I started righting a note for India "you are morgen right" the lady asked I nod "sadly you can't visit India" I nodded she almost walked "wait can you give her this note" I asked her she nodded I gave her the note I walked out the hospital and went to the beige

Hoped you like this chapter but I final put 1370 words in this story see you guys in the next chapter

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