Clash of the Giants, the First Encounter.

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A.N: here I will attempt to portray eternal creatures, their mannerisms, as well as their thought processes in a way comparable to humans. Forgive me, as words fall short and do no justice to such endeavors. I will attempt with great vigor to keep the integrity of these nightmarish Titans intact. Bare with me.

Consider, if you will, the drumming, dank, dark of the habitation of evil, in as much as the human imagination is capable of pondering such. Light can come across, almost as, forbidden in the dwelling places of such nightmarish entities. In the lifeless depths of thundering noise, whether it be sea beds or the labyrinthine tunnel systems beneath we more feeble beings awaits the lurkers.

Eerie dripping, surging of water, along with vacancy of life; provide the desired ecosystem for malice. Let's ignore the truthful mind shattering nature of those monsters that conceal themselves in such shadows, just for a moment. Consider that some of that dripping was more than water. Imagine some of it was blood. Consider the rotting vegetation, that it was countless corpses. Imagine the dark, that it was the very entity that dwelled therein, striving against the light to envelope you.

Now imagine, the entities, the destroyers, those eaters of whole worlds. They are the umbra, the pitch of night. They are that silhouette in the corner of the eye. And they are coming ever closer, no matter how far or fast you ran.

Under such spectre's gaze, consider having your flesh filleted, peeled away from pale bone and gushing arteries. The evil, ever stalking, biding its time  finds you and leave your entrails in the veil of their darkened dwellings. There you remain unnoticed forever. You are alive while they feed beneath a world that denies their existence, and so help could never come.

As a maelstrom surges over the ocean, the being that calls itself Pennywise, or Bob Grey, halts. It was close to its pray when it felt a presence from the confines of Its tunnels beneath Derry. It paused in deep shuttering contemplation, as it felt the entity approaching Castle Rock.

Pennywise was not one to deliberately allow such a guaranteed meal slip away. Yet this feeling It was experiencing now was the likes It had never before felt. It had known fear back in the summer of 1957, but this was new.

It was as if a gaze had penetrated the tunnels and was fixed on Pennywise. On mounds of Pennywise's victims, where rancid, festering, magot infestation were as decoration, It pondered. The two evils locked their minds eyes one to the next, seeking the secrets and natures of one another.

Instinctively, Pennywise sought the fears of this creature whom It found to be called Cthulhu. And that was when the kind of fear It used for hunting the children of Derry was suddenly turned against It. Cthulhu was not afraid of It. Cthulhu had no fear, hence Pennywise could not take a form.

The physical part of It was in Derry, but the true source of Its being was elsewhere in the expanse of endless dark between universes. That was the place where Cthulhu was looking. That was where they locked eyes. And that was where the storm over the ocean was projecting a similar essence of Cthulhu with the one purpose, to kill Pennywise at the source.

The heavens trembled in anticipation of the supernova that would occur when the clash was fated to take place. It could feel the frightened shutter of the Universe, but then It could feel only It's own fear and nothing else. Cthulhu had blocked Pennywise out. The ocean Titan had overpowered It's very will.

Beneath the Ocean, under the tempestuous storm, the sea bed was also quaking. As the rocks crumbled away, a colossal island crowned with enormous castle like structures had begun to lift toward the surface. In 48 hours it would breach the face of the Atlantic.

Pennywise could feel the eyes of hundreds of giant creatures awaking from their slumber beneath the waves. A chant filled the whole of It's being only adding to It's dread. The chant was rhythmically uttering, "Cthulhu, Cthulhu, Cthulhu.

For now, the battle was done by will, and by power, from a distance. This time Pennywise had lost. It knew that soon they would be in the full presence of one another. That encounter would result in one being standing over the conquered remains of the other.

If It had been able to plea, weep, oh hide anywhere It would have done so. It needed to find a way to battle the only entity It perceived to be a real threat. For a while Pennywise was lost in thought. Then It thought of a way to not only defend Itself, but It could Win.

Its mind was then filled with a new sound that was distinctive over the endless chanting. Cthulhu was laughing at It.

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