Birthday Reck

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   It was the day of your birthday and you were nervous. And to top off what your mom said.

   "Unfortunately I have to go back... There is something important I have to do. So sorry hun"

   And so she left to work.

   Whatever, you will still make this party work.

.  You got the decerations out. And put them where you liked.

. Kaiano called in sick, she said one of her family members got the flu and she kind of got it too. Well, you knew she wasn't lying cause she sounded like she had the flu, with her throat all soar sounding like and her coughing feeling the room. She just sounded miserable.

.. You felt bad for her. But at least Karma and Nagisa are coming. You would not let some little things stop you from having a birthray party. After all you never really did have one. Or have any friends... But on to a different topic!

  Nagisa called you. "Umm Hello???"
"Hey f/n, happy birthday!"  "Oh, hey Nagisa! Thx" "So I just have a few quetions" "Go ahead... ask away" you said curiously. "Do you have any decorations? Or cake?" 'Why would he ask these quetions?' You thought. "Um.. I don't have a cake but why-" Nagisa cut you off. "Ok thx f/n bye!!" And the phone call ended.

What was that all about? And how stupid is a party without cake?? Jeez! How could you forget the cake!?

*Nagisa's pov*
And I hung up the call. And turned to look at Karma. "Well she doesn't have a cake" Karma said. "Does she not like cake?" I asked. "Dude, you are her boyfriend you should know this! And who in there right mind would not like cake!?" Karma does have a point. And so you guys went to get the cake and presents.

We got a nice ( your favorite color) cake for f/n. Lets hope she likes it. We then go to a store. "What does she like?" Karma asked me. "Video games. She likes video games. She LOVES video games. And they guessed the video game genres you liked. Hoping for the best.

*your pov*
You heard a knock in the door. You forgot the cake!! You were too busy watching Supernatural and dozing off that you forgot to get the cake. You still answered the door anyways.

"Surprise!!" Nagisa and Karma said. You saw a cake and presents. Whew at least they brought a cake.

"Surprise indeed" you smiled and invited them in. So you guys did the regular singing happy birthday. "Do I open the present now??" You asked eagerly. "Nope" they both said. You frowned. "Later you can, but right now we-" you got a phone call.

You look at them then answered the call. "Hello???" You asked. "Hey this is Zach" "Zach!"? Is it really you!?" You got exited. Zach use to be you best childhood friend. But then he moved away. And yet you still remember him. "Yep, hey can you come by the park?? I bet you have friends over but you can bring them. I have a present" "yes! Of course! Be there in a few" you smiled hapoily and hung the phone up.

You looked at the two boys. "We are going to the park now. There is a good friend I want you to meet" you totally forgot about Zach. He was litterally your only friend untill he moved away. You never really had friends after that.

They both looked at eachother and shrughed. "Sure" Nagisa said.

You were at the park looking for Zach. Then you found him. You ran up to him and hugged him. To be honest you did miss him. Karma and Nagisa looked that way. You finally stoped and brought Zach towards Nagisq and Karma. Nagisa had an annoyed looked and Karma was about to burst out laughing at Nagisa.

"This is Nagisa and Karma, Nagisa and Karma meet Zach" you said. "Hey Karma, nice to meet you* Zach said. Then looked at Nagisa. "Hey miss Nagisa, pleasure to meet you too" Zach also said. Karma finally couldn't hold back his laughing. Nagisa got an even more annoyed look.

"Um... Nagisa is a boy Zach" you giggled. "In fact Nagisa is my boyfriend". And so the day went on. You kept laughing and having fun with Zach and Karma. Nagisa was pissed. Most importantly jealous. You never had that much fun with Nagisa.

"Hey f/n can I have a private chat with you?" Zach asked."of course!" You replyed and walked over to somewhere. Zach started talked about this unloyal girl he is dating. She sounded like trash. She slept with a lot of guys but Zach still loved her but knew he had to let her go.

"I say break up with her. Zach you say you are in pain and I don't want that for you" and Nagisa just happened to walk by. "Please just break up with her!" "No matter what happens I will always be with you" and Nagisa stomped away cause you didnt want to hear anymore. And so you finished "it is what friends are for after all".

  And you came back. A few minutes later Nagisa had enough. He glared at Zach and said "I have to go.. bye" and he left."Nagisa wait!" You tried to chase af5er him but he was gone. "I should go" Zach said. "Aww" Karma said. "Karma!" You gave a look at him. And Karma smirked "same" he said then left.

And you were left all alone at the park. You called Nagisa over and over again and he finally picked up. "What do you want!?" "Nagisa! I am so glad that you picked up! Listen I am so sorry I should have included you! Why don't we go to the movies to make up for this? I will even pay. I am so sorry nagisa". "Yeah why don't you go to the movies with your other boyfriend, you are a cheater f/n!"

A cheater??? He must of overheard the conversation. "A- a cheater? No Nagisa this isnt what it seems like!" "I think it is f/n, we are over" "No Nagisa you can't do this!" "I think I can" and he hung the phone up.

You were left alone, at the park, in tears. And then a storm came.

Author's note
Hey everybody! Sorry I havnt updated in a while. But if u like this plx follow and vote! In the comments say if you like cake or not, just for something fun to do and to see if you actually read these notew of mine XD. Wow 1116 and over words. Thats great.😜

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