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"Kayla! We've gotta get to the airport we might miss our flight," my mom's voice echoed through the house. We were leaving Ohio for a bit to visit my brother Michael. He's been gone for a month and a half shooting a show called Boyband.

"Coming mom I'll be down in a minute," I replied back lugging my bag out of my room and heading towards the stairs. I carried my bag into the kitchen where my mom was on the phone with Michael. "Yes honey we'll be there soon we're going to the airport right now. Okay I'll see you later," she put her phone back in her purse and waved her hand at me as a way to tell me to go outside and get in the car.

*time skip*

"Flight 2309 boarding for Los Angeles," the flight attendant's voice blared through the speakers in the gate which meant it was time for us to board. I handed the lady my boarding pass and started making my way toward the plane. Once Mom and I were sat down I take out my phone to text Jay, one of Michael's friends who I became close with last time we visited.

Me: I'm on the plane now two more hours till I'm in California

Jay: Can't wait to see you. You know I'm gonna give you the THICCEST hug when I see you

Me: thiccest..?

Jay: You know what I mean

Me: okay then😂

Jay: alright gotta go to rehearsals now but I'll catch up later

Me: Okay see ya Jay
read 10:45am

I turned off my phone and waited for takeoff, the worst part in my opinion after landing. Once takeoff was over and we were at steady elevation, I proceeded onto take out my phone, put in my headphones, and listen to my favorite band LANY (A/N: okay if you guys have never listened to LANY before they're so good I see them live in November). I feel asleep to "Hericane" softly playing.

*time skip*

I feel a tap on my shoulder and wake up to meet my eyes with a flight attendant. She had a smile on her face and stood fairly tall, about 5'10 or so. I took off my headphones and she proceeded to say "Miss I'm going to need you to please turn off all of your devices we're about to land thank you". Well isn't that great. Landing.

As I feel the plane begin to descend I grab my mom's hand tightly and close my eyes. There was slight turbulence going down, but nothing too serious. After we landed I let go of my mom's hand and release the breath I didn't even realize I was holding. I put on my backpack and take my carry on out of the overhead compartment and walk out of the plane following my mom.

We exit the gate and the airport itself to be met by the van that's supposed to pick us up and take us to the hotel where the boys are staying.

The ride to the hotel was a short one, but felt like an eternity since I was dead beat tired and all I wanted to do was take a nap. We got out of the car and the driver got our stuff out of the back. I took one step inside the hotel and was instantly engulfed in a hug. At first I was surprised, but I then realized this extremely tall person hugging me was none other than Jay Gilbert.

"I missed you," he whispered into my ear. "I missed you too," I sweetly replied. Our hug was soon interrupted by a very familiar voice. "Okay you two that's enough. C'mon Jay lemme get a chance to hug her I mean I haven't seen my own sister in two weeks". Jay released his grip on me and I followed suit walking towards my big brother. "Hi Conor," I said accompanied with a yawn. "Hey Kayla. How's my little sis doing," he said while trapping me in his arms. "Pretty okay just a little tired," I said groggily. "Get some rest we've gotta get back to rehearsals in like half an hour, but after the guys and I are gonna grab some dinner and you're coming with," Michael said as he and Jay walked away. Before I could decline the invitation they were already making their way towards the elevator and I had to wait for mom to check us in.

-752 words

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