The Tempest

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I lost myself in the kiss the moment he took my lips. Completely and willingly. I stood there, my arms simply hanging loose by my sides. I showed no sign of complaint nor consent.

Apparently, Mr Ambrose did not bother about any of those as his stronger-than-iron like hands snaked around my body and held me tight. His lips felt like they did not have the plan to leave mine any time soon.

I was finally preparing myself to reciprocate when he let go me.

I gaped at him unable to comprehend what the hell was going on with him, or with any of this for that matter.

Here I was, working overtime- if one decided to overlook the fact that I was trying to manipulate my employer, because he was being the typical himself.

And there he was, doing and making me feel things that would be considered unprofessional in every sense. That was anything but typical of him.

Not to mention the fact, I was not supposed to like it. But I did. I had long given up thinking kissing Mr Ambrose was anything but pleasurable.

The memories of getting closer to him would surely be treasured in my mind whether or not I liked it.

And any opportunities that would present itself to get us closer once more, I would take it whether or not he liked it.

This time the opportunity was Mr Ambrose himself. Patsy would probably fall in love, get married and have triplets before I could get another chance like this.

The realization blew away all sorts of doubts and nervousness from my mind leaving only determination and desire in its place.

I took the few steps forwards which Mr Ambrose had taken backwards after letting go of me. My heart was thumping forcefully inside my chest.

'What was that for?' I demanded, half-confused, half-angered.

He took a couple more steps back as though determined to keep distance.

'I wanted to show you the kind of consequences you'll be facing if you didn't finish your task. It will be your punishment.'

I deliberately moved again to close the distance he created.

'What kind of punishment is that?'

'The kind I say it is.'

'You son of a flipping bachelor.'

I couldn't tell if I was planning on snarling. Because I were then I must say I failed terribly as my voice came out raspy.

The next thing that I did took me by surprise. Reaching out I grabbed the lapels of his tailcoat and pulled him closer so he would be somewhat in my level. Mr Ambrose let me manhandle him- or should I say womanhandle him, and still manged to look as arrogant as ever, just as it was preferred.

'If you punish me like that because I am not working like I'm supposed to, the how should you be punished for not paying me like you should?'

I said in a low voice, glaring at him. Although, the glare was far from being angry.

'Now you tell me who's more guilty here?'

Mr Ambrose held the silence in the most elegant way I had ever seen anyone do.

'Tell me, sir,' I demanded, shaking him by his lapels. But to be honest, I wasn't bothered about any answers at all. Oh no, I was fully concentrated on the lips that had been touching mine less than two minutes ago and would, hopefully, resume to do so in even less time.

'Its you, isn't it?' My lips broke into victorious smirk as I lifted my left hand to touch the side of his face and looked into his eyes.

Whatever self-control I had before evaporated into a cloud and hovered over somewhere in the corner of the office.

His sea-coloured eyes looked like there was a hurricane in there and any moment I would be dragged into the storm.

With the new-found extra packet of confidence I inched closer to him and whispered.

'Ready to be punished, sir?'

Mr Ambrose growled in reply as he took my face roughly in his hand and pressed his lips passionately back on mine.

This time I wasted no time in kissing him back, holding him close to me, in case he decided to let go without permission.

My instant reaction even took me by surprise and would have taken him too, if he had any space in his mind to be surprised.

By the looks of it he didn't.

Mr Ambrose's passionate force increased further as he pushed me backwards.

Taking a few steps back under his pressure, I nearly toppled over as my uppler legs hit the secretary's chair.

Stopping me by holding my arm with one hand, Mr Ambrose threw the chair aside with the other. The crashing of the chair went unnoticed by the crashing of our lips and bodies.

He kept pushing me backwards until I hit the shelf this time. Finally cornering me, he lifted my hands upwards and held them there as he kissed all over my face and neck.

I distinctly heard the a series of thudding noises like stacks of papers falling but was too pre-occupied to care.

Being in his trap, it was hard for me to touch him like he was touching me, so I slipped out of his grasp went around him so I was in the open space of the room while he still leaned against the shelves where I had just been.

'I'm not any girl you can trap whenever you like, Mr Ambrose.' I said hoping that, although breathless,  the pride in my voice would match his for once.

'Come to me.' He paid no attention to my pride whatsoever.

'We're barely being professional. Why should I listen to you?', I started to unbutton my tailcoat as I spoke. The action was enough to bring Mr Ambrose closer in lightening speed and undo the rest of the buttons.

Pulling me closer, he pushed my tailcoat over my shoulders. I didn't even catch the sound of it falling as he weaved his fingers through my hair and kissed me again.

The absence of my tailcoat made me more aware of our bodies being against each other. My breaths got heavier and faster as Mr Ambrose kissed down my throat.

My knees buckled and I staggered backwards to regain my balance with him still holding me. We ended up hitting my desk this time and my hand shot forward and gripped the edge of the table, knocking things in the way.

A few minutes later Mr Ambrose pulled back and looked into my eyes. We stared at each other trying to catch our breath. And when we did, I raised my hand and stroked his cheek with my fingertips. The atmosphere of lust was suddenly replaced with something else. Something....

Whatever that something was, it soon got replaced once again by shock on my side as I stared at Mr Ambrose's cheek. The place along which my fingers had just travelled, were stained in utter black.

Eyes wide, I turned the palm of my hand towards me and gasped.

Storm In the Office  ✅ Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang