an the games begins

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I woke up the next morning to my phone ringing I was really planning on ignoring the phone because who in their right mind would fucking ruin my sleep people have no fucking respect I pick up the phone

Me: hello

Unknown: hey beautiful you up ?

Me: hell no wtf what do you want ?

Unknown: you shouldn't be so mean to me baby girl when I'm right here in your closet

Me: wtf are you talking about you dumb fuck bye

After that I hung up and I laid back down and went back to sleep when I felt the other side of my bed dip down

"Goodmorning sunshine " Adrian said

I looked at him for a second to make sure it was actually real and then I cocked my hand back and slapped him

"Hey goddammit what was that for ?"

" why the fuck are you in my room "

" I thought you would be happy to see me "

" why the fuck  would I be happy to see you"

"Because I'm your future husband duh!!"

"I really wanna kill you right now how the fuck did you get in here "

" I climbed through your window "

" lies I shut and locked my window last night try again"

" okay I broke in your front door "

" fucking dick , what do you want "

" I want to talk to you "

" okay talk "

" so at the party you wanted to play games so I wanna play a new game "

"What makes you think that I would ever wanna play games with you "

" we can go the easy way or the hard way"

"Well I always like things the hard way" I said with a smirk he looked at me and gasped and then started to blush "what cat got your tongue " I asked

" uhh ... n-n-n-n-n no " he stuttered

" if your gonna sit here and stutter all day then I'ma have to leave you here I have errands to run"

"Okay so the hard way we go if you don't play my game I'll tell everybody about what you did in your past "

" wow your so original and what exactly did I do in my past sweetheart " I was actually kind of scared nobody knows about my past but I think he is bluffing I'm hoping he is

" does Reggie zinger ring a bell sweetheart" he said with sarcasm

" who .?" My heart was beating so fast maybe if I keep my emotions hidden like I practices so much to do he will never know that it was me

"you know who now you play my game or I'll release all my evidence about you and Reggie to the police "

Fuck fuck fuck I'ma have to play his stupid game how tf did he find out I'm only gonna play his little game until I can find out where he lives and where he keeps the evidence and when I get it I'll have to erase his memory of it and then I'm all good

I smirked "okay fine what's your game ?"

He chuckled " i thought so , what we are gonna do Is your gonna move in with me and become my girlfriend "

" wtf why.?"

"My mom won't let me stay here unless I have a roommate the girlfriend part is so that you can earn my mom trust so that I can stay we are meeting her today get up and get dressed and be on your best behavior"

" Fuck I hate meeting parents "

"Deal with it sunshine cause your meeting my mom"

"Fucking fine get out though I'll text your weird ass when I'm ready " I scoffed

" okay I'll be waiting "

He left out I get up and put the first song on my shower mix on I start singing and dancing with it while setting out my clothes and get my towel ready  I hop in the shower still singing with the music.

After my shower I get dress and do my hair I put on some mascara  and lipstick and I was finally finished getting ready I grabbed my phone so I could text him

Me: I'm ready asshole

Asshole: okay I'm here come out and that mouth of your need to be shut maybe I'll put something in there

Me: no thanks something so little shouldn't be in my mouth but thanks for offering

After that I grabbed my phone and headphones and walked out the door I see him in a all blue car it was the sexiest  thing I ever seen in my life besides Liam fine ass I walked up to the car and got in and put my headphones in and started listening to music

After about 5 mins of us just sitting in the same spot he grabbed my headphones out my ear

" what ?" I said

"talk to me duh" he says and roll his eyes 

" what if i dont want to talk to you " i replied back with a snappy attitude i placed my headphone back in my ear and ignored him for the rest of the ride 

 we finally stopped and I looked up at him to find him already staring at me 

" we are like an hour earlier shes not home right now and I forgot my keys so we can stay in here until she gets back "  he said 

" so i gotta sit in the car with you for an hour because your stupid ass forgot the keys " I replied 

" yes so lets play a game or something " he said with a eye roll 

" fine what do you want to play " I said with a smirk 

" how about 21 questions we need to get to know eachother better "  he said

" alright go first " 

" favorite color .?" 

" pink and black "  I said 

" whens your birthday .?" he asked 

" to personal " I replied 

" the what am I surpose to tell my mom if she ask "

" make something up your obviously a good liar " I replied with a smirk 

" oh really you wanna go their with me I'm not the one wih deep dark secrets isn't that right miss Mirabella "

" if you mind your fucking business then you wouldn't know that I have deep dark secrets but you obviously have a problem with being in everybody else business because you have no life " I screamed  after that I put my headphones back in and start listening to my music 

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