The Crab Mountain

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The boy successfully reached the edge of the forest.

"Efil is sure an enchanted place. I can't imagine that there are lots of mysterious and creepy places inside this maze. After crossing that dangerous huge river, we entered a creepy forest of allurement. And now, it looks like I'm going to do mountain climbing. Look at that mountain Evol!" said by the boy. "That's the Crab Mountain." Evol said. "Crab mountain huh? I guess I have to climb it. Am I right?" asked by the boy. "Yes, that's the only way boy." answered by Evol. "Okay then I'll do it now Evol!" said by the boy. "Ww-wait boy." replied by Evol.

"Why? What's the problem?" asked by the boy. "Nothing, I just want to say that Crab Mountain is not just an ordinary mountain. Be careful you might fall if you'll take it easy." Evol answered. "Let's do it! I'm looking forward to the things that will happen on that mountain."

The boy started to climb the mountain. Few minutes later...

"Hey Evol! Can we switch for a while? Hahaha" asked by the boy. "No way! As if I could carry you?" replied by Evol. "Just kidding Evol, but you know it's really hard to climb this mountain." said by the boy. "Yeah, just be careful you have no idea what danger awaits you up there." replied by Evol. "Bring it on Crab Mountain! Hahaha" said by the boy.

The boy is trying his best to climb the mountain. He's in the halfway up the mountain when he suddenly heard a noise coming from the plants on his both sides.

"Hey what's that noise?" asked by the boy. "It looks like we're not alone here." Evol replied.

Suddenly, the boy felt that there's something wrong with his feet.

"Hey Evol, someone grabbed my feet. I can't move it." said by the boy.

Evol looked down and he saw something terrible.

"Oh boy! The crab is holding your feet!" Evol said.

"Oo-oohh www-wwait! We're gonna fall! That thing is pulling my feet." said by the boy. "Hold on tight boy!" Evol shouted.

The boy hold tight but they were pulled down by the large grab. They descended few meters from their position few seconds ago.

"This is hard! Good thing that there's a tree here!" said by the boy. "Yeah, Hahaha I thought we're gonna fall." replied by Evol. "Anyway, what's with that crab Evol?" asked by the boy. "That was not an ordinary crab. That is bigger than the crab that you know. This mountain is their territory." Evol replied. "Their territory? Www-wwait? You mean? That crab is not alone?!" asked by the boy. "Yes! There are lot of crabs here that's why this is called the Crab Mountain." Evol answered.

"Okay that's enough! I'll challenge those crabs!" said by the boy. "What are you going to do?" asked by Evol. "Just watch me Evol." the boy answered.

He put Evol inside his cloth and continued climbing. One after another, the crabs appeared. They tried to get a hold on the boy's body to pull him down.

"They're so persistent!" the boy is now pissed. "Do something boy or else we might fall again." said by Evol. "Okay! Then how about this?! Crazy crabs!"

The boy started to move quicker than before. He evaded the crabs one after another.

"There's no way I'll let you drag me down!" said by the boy. "Just continue in doing that boy! It's working!" said by Evol. "Yeah Evol I'll evade them all!"

He focused his sight on the crabs from his both sides and successfully evaded them all.

"Wooohoo!!!" the boy is very happy. "I guess you'd successfully evaded them all. That's gggo-goo... bad! Hey boy! Watch out!" said by Evol.

Huge rocks are falling from the summit.

"Hey? What's happening Evol?" asked by the boy. "Just look up!" Evol shouted. "Oh my... the crabs are pushing those rocks!" said by the boy. "Do something boy!" Evol shouted. "Yeah just watc... arghhhh."

The boy got a hit from the rock. His right arm is now bleeding.

"Arghhh..." the boy is in pain. "Hey boy! Just hold on! You can do it!" Evol said. "It hurts! Arghhh... what should I do?" asked by the boy. "Just continue boy! Believe in yourself! Just evade those rocks! You can do it!" Evol answered.

The boy continued to climb. He endured the pain from his bleeding arm.

"Just few more steps boy! You can do it!" Evol said. "I cccaan dddoo itt..." said by the boy.

He is very tired and his vision is fading. Suddenly, Evol shouted.

"Boy! Just always remember your goal! Remember the reason why you are doing this! Fight for it!"

The boy suddenly fired up.

"Yeah! I can do it! Hwoaaaahhhhhhh!" he shouted and climbs harder while evading those rocks.

"Go for it boy! You can do it! Don't give up! We're about to reach the summit!" Evol said.

The boy climbs harder and harder and he successfully reached the summit. He is breathing hard.

"I'm so tired Evol." said by the boy. "Good work boy! You did it!" Evol said. "Yeah, thanks to you." the boy replied and smiled. "No problem! Mountain climber! Hahaha" Evol said.

The boy looked around and said. "Hey Evol, this is not a mountain!"

EVOL "The Journey Guide"Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora