maybe anal fisting will be our always

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phulup ran up the hallway, before reaching spaniel towels room and slamming open the door.
Lesto boyo soon realised that the room was not only empty, but he had just said emojis. No but how the fukc the emoji movie is quaking in its boots rn yall.
on the bed lay a note addressed to biggie cheese but bc he nosy af he picked it up and began to read

@ biggie Cheese fist me pls xD

It was such a tear jerking moment watchmojo made a vid abt it no spon I stg lads. Top ten saddest anime deaths.

Fil was ANGERY tht dnayl wrote tht 4 biggie cheese and not him so he proceeded to call the police bc there was also blood in the room idfk how it got there lol

"henlo who dis"
"yo my fren is on his period n he be missin whya I do fam"
"lol stupid xd ur friends ded brb gonna get the lads down 4 u boi "
" k thx bro"
"welc fam"
"wait "
" whay"
"r u hating on me bc I dab on the haterzzz 🔥🔥😤😩😪😥🙏🍆"
The police arrived shortly afterwards and falup cracked open a cold one with da boys 😎👀💦💦

Then it occurred to them that dnaorl haquell was still missing.
There was only one thing to do, and ph1¡ knew what it was.

dan chan goes missing (rawr) xdWhere stories live. Discover now